Public Transport Passenger Journeys by Operator Group during 2001 - 2010 (in thousands)

Year / Month Franchised Buses
KMB Citybus NWFB LWB NLB Sub-totalĀ 
Franchise 1 Franchise 2 Sub-total
2001 1,111,171 201,725 14,754 216,480 194,489 18,999 6,827 1,547,966
2002 1,134,354 204,445 15,930 220,375 195,450 20,311 8,960 1,579,450
2003 1,060,508 192,188 15,149 207,336 180,538 19,260 9,681 1,477,322
2004 1,063,850 192,881 17,922 210,803 184,629 22,305 12,058 1,493,644
2005 1,009,943 186,241 18,840 205,081 177,476 24,292 13,352 1,430,144
2006 1,007,873 186,814 20,948 207,762 183,076 26,505 14,050 1,439,267
2007 1,008,141 188,328 22,118 210,446 184,380 27,668 16,145 1,446,780
2008 986,487 187,019 22,081 209,100 175,472 28,874 17,191 1,417,124
2009 965,164 186,574 21,490 208,064 171,886 28,160 18,040 1,391,314
2010 946,740 188,529 22,538 211,067 172,121 29,411 19,064 1,378,404
2010 / 01 81,207 15,796 1,782 17,578 14,645 2,334 1,534 117,297
          02 71,882 14,033 1,626 15,659 12,826 2,154 1,465 103,986
          03 81,999 16,070 1,805 17,875 14,902 2,362 1,577 118,715
          04 76,019 14,892 1,772 16,664 13,668 2,334 1,533 110,218
          05 80,437 15,768 1,820 17,589 14,484 2,373 1,604 116,486
          06 76,842 15,154 1,794 16,948 13,796 2,340 1,498 111,425
          07 79,099 15,956 1,951 17,907 14,430 2,514 1,587 115,538
          08 79,585 16,290 1,993 18,283 14,540 2,580 1,638 116,627
          09 78,490 15,612 1,824 17,436 14,243 2,390 1,548 114,107
          10 80,873 16,447 1,937 18,384 14,843 2,522 1,704 118,327
          11 79,518 16,037 2,266 18,303 14,713 2,975 1,654 117,163
          12 80,788 16,474 1,967 18,441 15,031 2,534 1,722 118,516

(cont'd) (in thousands)

Year / Month Railways
MTR (1) Hong Kong Tramways Sub-tota
MTR Lines (2) AEL East Rail (3) West Rail(4) Light Rail
2001 758,421 9,022 292,703 - 116,610 87,439 1,264,194
2002 777,210 8,457 296,437 - 114,465 87,123 1,283,691
2003 770,419 6,849 278,646 1,269 106,377 81,667 1,245,227
2004 833,550 8,015 294,075 47,793 131,700 84,923 1,400,056
2005 857,954 8,493 326,994 64,761 136,144 84,221 1,478,567
2006 866,754 9,576 336,529 72,248 136,416 83,942 1,505,464
2007 924,278 10,175 315,272 70,620 135,620 82,009 1,537,974
2008 1,302,069 10,601 - - 137,730 82,347 1,532,747
2009 1,315,732 9,869 - - 143,489 84,383 1,553,473
2010 1,401,912 11,145 - - 154,522 82,783 1,650,362
2010 / 01 116,631 856 - - 12,800 7,308 137,596
          02 104,698 741 - - 11,353 6,304 123,096
          03 118,510 870 - - 13,000 7,339 139,719
          04 108,895 923 - - 11,953 6,761 128,532
          05 113,994 845 - - 13,071 7,222 135,132
          06 110,949 824 - - 12,731 6,682 131,184
          07 118,341 906 - - 13,044 6,604 138,895
          08 120,872 930 - - 12,867 6,716 141,385
          09 118,002 913 - - 13,458 6,544 138,916
          10 121,745 1,011 - - 13,588 7,192 143,537
          11 121,861 1,314 - - 13,230 6,875 143,280
          12 127,414 1,012 - - 13,427 7,237 149,090

Notes:  (1)  The operations of the MTR and KCRC were merged on 2.12.2007. Afterwards, the counting of passenger journey for passengers making railway interchanges at Kowloon Tong, Mei Foo, Nam Cheong, Tsim Sha Tsui and East Tsim Sha Tsui stations was different. Hence, the figures after the merger are not strictly comparable with those of earlier figures.
(2)  MTR Lines include Kwun Tong, Tsuen Wan, Island, Tung Chung, Disneyland Resort, Tseung Kwan O, East Rail, West Rail, Ma On Shan Lines and Intercity. MTR Tseung Kwan O Line was introduced on 18.8.2002 and Disneyland Resort Line was introduced on 1.8.2005. MTR Tseung Kwan O Line LOHAS Park Station was introduced on 26.7.2009 and West Rail Line Austin Station was opened on 16.8.2009.
(3)  KCRC East Rail includes Ma On Shan Rail, Lok Ma Chau Spur Line and Intercity. Ma On Shan Rail was introduced on 21.12.2004. Lok Ma Chau Spur Line was introduced on 15.8.2007. East Rail has been merged under MTR East Rail and Ma On Shan Lines since 2.12.2007.
(4)  KCRC West Rail was introduced on 20.12.2003. KCRC West Rail has been merged under MTR West Rail Line since 2.12.2007.

(cont'd) (in thousands)

Year / Month Public Light Buses Ferries (6)
GMB RMB (5) Sub-total New World First Ferry "Star" Ferry Other Licensed Ferry Sub-tota
2001 402,241 194,254 596,495 14,534 28,462 12,456 55,452
2002 419,051 185,029 604,080 14,885 28,677 11,453 55,015
2003 417,116 178,214 595,331 14,133 27,287 11,985 53,405
2004 453,765 171,844 625,609 14,541 29,529 12,666 56,736
2005 476,764 165,402 642,166 14,288 28,936 12,855 56,079
2006 498,460 158,590 657,050 14,406 29,082 12,803 56,292
2007 511,158 151,429 662,587 14,883 25,851 13,334 54,067
2008 526,807 145,661 672,469 13,729 25,212 14,894 53,835
2009 533,998 142,389 676,387 12,250 23,804 15,150 51,204
2010 549,559 137,025 686,584 12,702 23,013 13,749 49,464
2010 / 01 45,999 11,741 57,740 1,003 1,965 1,164 4,133
          02 40,690 10,342 51,032 907 1,666 999 3,572
          03 46,680 12,023 58,703 1,072 1,970 1,172 4,215
          04 44,001 10,953 54,954 1,088 1,814 1,173 4,074
          05 46,272 11,510 57,782 1,145 1,908 1,235 4,288
          06 44,961 11,415 56,376 976 1,709 1,099 3,783
          07 46,485 11,808 58,294 1,065 1,981 1,073 4,119
          08 46,878 11,774 58,652 1,135 2,078 1,135 4,348
          09 46,482 11,318 57,801 970 1,669 1,094 3,733
          10 47,449 11,345 58,794 1,096 2,015 1,205 4,316
          11 46,534 11,368 57,902 1,121 1,954 1,196 4,270
          12 47,126 11,428 58,554 1,124 2,285 1,204 4,613

Notes:  (5)  The whole series of RMB patronage figures for the period from January 2003 to November 2004 was revised in February 2005. Figures before 2003 are estimated based on the results of the Survey on Patronage of Public Light Buses conducted in 1997, while those for 2003 and after are based on the results of a similar survey conducted in end 2002. Due to limitation of data, the figures cannot fully reflect the fluctuations in RMB patronage over the months.
(6)  Ferries include franchised services and licensed services but excludes Kaitos.

(cont'd) (in thousands)

Year / Month Taxis (7) Residents'
Services (8)
MTR Buses
(for West Rail Line/Light Rail)
Peak Tramway Total (9) Average Daily (9)
2001 355,447 56,000 20,106 3,504 3,899,163 10,683
2002 357,479 61,987 25,535 3,714 3,970,952 10,879
2003 356,002 63,461 25,920 3,092 3,819,760 10,465
2004 377,828 64,924 20,062 4,107 4,042,966 11,046
2005 374,478 64,811 27,181 3,924 4,077,351 11,171
2006 389,505 66,060 30,090 4,434 4,148,162 11,365
2007 400,516 66,432 32,452 4,929 4,205,738 11,523
2008 391,748 70,321 34,736 4,984 4,177,964 11,415
2009 348,308 77,923 37,517 4,843 4,140,970 11,345
2010 358,250 81,017 40,881 5,359 4,250,321 11,645
2010 / 01 29,793 6,709 3,380 460 357,108 11,520
          02 27,666 5,995 2,873 417 318,637 11,380
          03 31,039 6,883 3,488 408 363,171 11,715
          04 28,118 6,407 3,197 382 335,882 11,196
          05 29,545 6,877 3,482 430 354,022 11,420
          06 29,106 6,819 3,327 400 342,421 11,414
          07 31,188 6,864 3,353 496 358,747 11,572
          08 31,329 6,930 3,331 549 363,151 11,715
          09 30,592 7,081 3,568 395 356,192 11,873
          10 30,522 6,748 3,667 465 366,375 11,819
          11 29,194 6,762 3,630 439 362,641 12,088
          12 30,157 6,942 3,586 518 371,976 11,999

Notes:  (7)  The whole series of taxi patronage figures for the period from January 1989 to November 2004 was revised in February 2005. Figures for the months since February 2003 are estimated using the taxi operating data of the corresponding month. Since similar data were not available for earlier months, figures for these months were revised only based on some crude assumptions; they therefore cannot fully reflect the fluctuations in taxi patronage in these months.
(8)  Residents' services are services provided by or on behalf of the management, residents or owners of any residential development for the carriage of passengers to or from the residential development. Residents' services are a type of non-franchised public bus services. Non-franchised public buses also provide tour service, hotel service, student service, employees' service, international passenger service and contract hire service. But since relevant data is not available, the patronage figures for these services cannot be provided.
(9)  The whole series of total public transport patronage figures for the period from January 1989 to November 2004 was revised in February 2005 owing to the revisions in taxi and RMB patronage. Please refer to footnotes (5) and (7) for details.
There may be a slight discrepancy between the sum of individual items and the total owing to rounding.