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Section 7  Traffic Accidents

Major Contributory Factors of Road Traffic Accidents 2015

Contributory Factor
Contributory Factor - Driver No. of Drivers
Driving inattentively 4,130
Lost control of vehicle 1,630
Driving too close to vehicle in front 1,547
Careless lane changing 1,118
Careless cycling 984
Contributory Factor - Casualty (Driver, Passenger or Pedestrian) No. of Casualties
Passenger lost balance, elsewhere except on stairway of bus 687
Pedestrian inattentiveness 600
Crossing road heedless of traffic (elsewhere) 363
Passenger lost balance on stairway of bus 220
Crossing road heedless of traffic (at crossing) 212
Contributory Factor - Vehicles No. of Vehicles
Unidentified vehicle (hit-and-run) 178
Mechanical defect 68
Defective or illegal tyre 7
Broken down with hazard warning lights unlit 7
Tyre blown out before impact 6
Contributory Factor - Accident Environment No. of Accidents
Pedestrian negligence 358
Object or animal on road 194
Slippery road (caused by weather) 119
Steep slope 83
Slippery road (not related to weather) 82