Driving inattentively |
4,130 |
Lost control of vehicle |
1,630 |
Driving too close to vehicle in front |
1,547 |
Careless lane changing |
1,118 |
Careless cycling |
984 |
Contributory Factor - Casualty (Driver, Passenger or Pedestrian) |
No. of Casualties |
Passenger lost balance, elsewhere except on stairway of bus |
687 |
Pedestrian inattentiveness |
600 |
Crossing road heedless of traffic (elsewhere) |
363 |
Passenger lost balance on stairway of bus |
220 |
Crossing road heedless of traffic (at crossing) |
212 |
Contributory Factor - Vehicles |
No. of Vehicles |
Unidentified vehicle (hit-and-run) |
178 |
Mechanical defect |
68 |
Defective or illegal tyre |
7 |
Broken down with hazard warning lights unlit |
7 |
Tyre blown out before impact |
6 |
Contributory Factor - Accident Environment |
No. of Accidents |
Pedestrian negligence |
358 |
Object or animal on road |
194 |
Slippery road (caused by weather) |
119 |
Steep slope |
83 |
Slippery road (not related to weather) |
82 |