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Section 3  Registration and Licensing of Vehicles and Drivers

Analysis of Driving Licences as at 31 December 2015

Class Total Valid Licences as at 31 December 2014 Total Valid Licences as at 31 December 2015 Increase (Decrease)
Full Driving Licence Learner's Driving Licence
Full Driving Licence Learner's Driving Licence Full Driving Licence Learner's Driving Licence No. % No. %
Private Car 2,067,709 66,816 2,146,592 56,718 78,883 3.81 (10,098) (15.11)
Motor Cycle 263,249 5,169 274,512 5,807 11,263 4.28 638 12.34
Public and Private Light Bus 188,623 3,619 190,069 4,267 1,446 0.77 648 17.91
Light Goods Vehicle 1,394,033 55,608 1,424,103 47,892 30,070 2.16 (7,716) (13.88)
Medium Goods Vehicle 191,260 5,015 192,905 5,114 1,645 0.86 99 1.97
Heavy Goods Vehicle 102,630 7,506 102,903 7,347 273 0.27 (159) (2.12)
Articulated Vehicle 44,256 1,589 44,721 1,329 465 1.05 (260) (16.36)
Special Purpose Vehicle 12,269 - 12,937 - 668 5.44 - -
Taxi 217,873 - 219,440 - 1,567 0.72 - -
Public and Private Bus 135,826 6,103 137,998 5,962 2,172 1.60 (141) (2.31)