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Section 3  Registration and Licensing of Vehicles and Drivers

Vehicle Licensing during 2006 - 2015

Vehicles Licensed As at End of Year
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
A. Motorised Vehicles
Motor Cycles 35,915 37,065 37,599 37,577 37,967 38,577 39,706 41,706 44,330 47,523
Motor Tricycles 5 9 9 27 41 40 35 60 107 236
Private Cars 360,427 372,203 383,141 393,812 414,966 434,843 454,697 475,752 495,038 521,852
Urban Taxis 15,246 15,246 15,234 15,240 15,243 15,248 15,248 15,206 15,189 15,237
N.T. Taxis 2,735 2,765 2,831 2,838 2,838 2,834 2,833 2,827 2,827 2,831
Lantau Taxis 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
Public Buses:
NWFB Single Deck 36 694 35 694 35 692 34 705 36 704 36 703 36 704 35 715 35 711 32 720
Double Deck 658 659 657 671 668 667 668 680 676 688
KMB Single Deck 155 4,013 151 4,027 128 3,925 151 3,879 157 3,819 165 3,890 168 3,818 177 3,844 173 3,852 172 3,888
Double Deck 3,858 3,876 3,797 3,728 3,662 3,725 3,650 3,667 3,679 3,716
NLB Single Deck 83 83 94 94 102 102 104 104 103 103 104 104 108 108 108 108 109 111 116 123
Double Deck - - - - - - - - 2 7
City Bus Single Deck 66 741 66 747 61 748 63 759 65 766 65 766 65 778 54 777 51 781 36 762
Double Deck 675 681 687 696 701 701 713 723 730 726
Long Win Bus Single Deck 9 153 3 155 3 157 2 167 - 165 - 163 - 165 - 172 - 179 - 190
Double Deck 144 152 154 165 165 163 165 172 179 190
City Bus 2 Single Deck 20 168 20 172 19 170 20 172 20 172 19 172 18 170 14 175 14 176 9 182
Double Deck 148 152 151 152 152 153 152 161 162 173
KCRC/MTRC Single Deck 25 105 26 107 21 102 26 107 26 115 26 116 8 117 8 124 11 127 11 133
Double Deck 80 81 81 81 89 90 109 116 116 122
Others Single Deck 6,703 6,796 6,746 6,838 6,752 6,855 6,752 6,861 6,771 6,870 6,773 6,870 6,741 6,840 6,766 6,866 6,803 6,906 6,780 6,883
Double Deck 93 92 103 109 99 97 99 100 103 103
Private Buses 472 483 493 492 496 493 544 572 582 610
Public Light Buses 4,349 4,350 4,350 4,347 4,348 4,345 4,347 4,346 4,345 4,344
Private Light Buses 1,871 1,901 1,936 1,992 2,077 2,200 2,439 2,757 2,995 3,066
Light Goods Vehicles 69,574 69,300 68,967 68,342 69,177 70,359 71,699 74,339 71,712 70,431
Medium Goods Vehicles 39,100 38,555 37,382 36,092 36,994 37,150 36,788 37,902 36,630 36,001
Heavy Goods Vehicles 3,052 2,891 2,913 2,968 3,245 3,655 4,234 4,755 5,073 5,398
Special Purpose Vehicles 1,023 1,099 1,155 1,263 1,325 1,406 1,450 1,556 1,530 1,552
Government Vehicles:
Motor Cycles 1,152 1,135 1,086 1,083 953 932 905 826 762 682
Others 5,256 5,185 5,209 5,193 5,362 5,365 5,335 5,479 5,527 5,569
Total (Motor Vehicles) 552,980 565,071 575,106 584,070 607,796 630,281 653,010 680,914 699,540 728,263
B. Non-motorised Vehicles
Trailers 17,072 16,411 15,272 15,021 15,327 15,098 14,671 14,551 14,075 13,913
Rickshaws 4 5 4 4 2 2 2 3 3 3