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Section 3  Registration and Licensing of Vehicles and Drivers

Vehicle Registration during 2006 - 2015

Vehicles Registered As at End of Year
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
A. Motorised Vehicles
Motor Cycles 47,987 50,131 51,997 52,903 53,779 55,242 57,314 60,103 63,736 68,111
Motor Tricycles 5 9 11 30 44 44 54 77 124 257
Private Cars 393,756 406,995 421,062 429,754 449,400 471,685 494,646 517,997 541,751 567,886
Urban Taxis 15,250 15,250 15,250 15,250 15,250 15,250 15,250 15,250 15,250 15,250
N.T. Taxis 2,838 2,838 2,838 2,838 2,838 2,838 2,838 2,838 2,838 2,838
Lantau Taxis 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
Public Buses:
NWFB Single Deck 36 702 36 698 36 713 36 715 36 711 36 707 36 709 36 719 36 718 36 748
Double Deck 666 662 677 679 675 671 673 683 682 712
KMB Single Deck 155 4,021 151 4,047 128 3,933 151 3,880 157 3,822 165 3,891 168 3,822 177 3,847 173 3,855 172 3,890
Double Deck 3,866 3,896 3,805 3,729 3,665 3,726 3,654 3,670 3,682 3,718
NLB Single Deck 83 83 94 94 102 102 104 104 112 112 104 104 108 108 108 108 110 112 120 127
Double Deck - - - - - - - - 2 7
City Bus Single Deck 68 745 68 750 66 753 65 761 65 813 65 783 68 809 56 813 51 799 36 786
Double Deck 677 682 687 696 748 718 741 757 748 750
Long Win Bus Single Deck 9 153 7 159 3 157 2 167 - 166 - 164 - 167 - 172 - 179 - 190
Double Deck 144 152 154 165 166 164 167 172 179 190
City Bus 2 Single Deck 20 168 20 172 20 172 20 172 20 172 19 172 19 173 15 191 14 182 10 186
Double Deck 148 152 152 152 152 153 154 176 168 176
KCRC/MTRC Single Deck 26 107 26 107 21 102 26 107 26 115 26 118 8 118 8 124 11 127 11 134
Double Deck 81 81 81 81 89 92 110 116 116 123
Others Single Deck 6,862 6,979 6,848 6,960 6,861 6,969 6,850 6,959 6,847 6,950 6,851 6,953 6,838 6,937 6,828 6,930 6,823 6,926 6,808 6,911
Double Deck 117 112 108 109 103 102 99 102 103 103
Private Buses 486 496 507 504 505 499 558 581 592 617
Public Light Buses 4,350 4,350 4,350 4,350 4,350 4,350 4,350 4,350 4,350 4,350
Private Light Buses 1,900 1,935 1,971 2,020 2,093 2,216 2,463 2,793 3,021 3,081
Light Goods Vehicles 76,114 75,385 74,363 72,505 72,847 74,442 76,265 79,478 73,865 71,997
Medium Goods Vehicles 42,886 41,848 40,075 38,387 38,588 38,978 39,272 40,720 37,529 36,712
Heavy Goods Vehicles 3,451 3,299 3,154 3,111 3,340 3,750 4,346 4,908 5,148 5,485
Special Purpose Vehicles 1,156 1,239 1,319 1,427 1,466 1,556 1,620 1,722 1,758 1,777
Government Vehicles:
Motor Cycles 1,152 1,135 1,086 1,083 953 932 905 826 762 682
Others 5,256 5,185 5,209 5,193 5,362 5,365 5,335 5,479 5,527 5,569
Total (Motor Vehicles) 609,595 623,132 636,143 642,270 663,726 690,089 718,109 750,076 769,199 797,634
B. Non-motorised Vehicles
Trailers 20,697 19,878 18,800 17,850 17,392 17,142 17,146 17,143 16,946 16,688
Rickshaws - - - - - - - - - -