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Section 2  Transport Administration

Transport Advisory Committee Membership (As at 31 December 2015)

Chairman :

Mr Larry Kwok Lam-kwong, BBS, JP

Members :

Prof Chong Tai-leung
Mr Johnny Fee Chung-ming, JP
Mr Richard Ho Kam-wing
Prof Ho Kin-chung, BBS, JP
Mr Hung Chung-yam, JP
Ms Lau Yuk-kuen
Prof Lo Hong-kam
Prof Becky Loo Pui-ying
Ms Shalini Mahtani
Ms Agnes Nardi Kar-wai
Prof Suen Wing-chuen
Mr Wesley Wan Wai-hei
Mr Peter Yan King-shun
Miss Yu Chui-yee, MH
Permanent Secretary for Transport and Housing (Transport) or his representative (ex-officio)
Commissioner for Transport (ex-officio)
Commissioner of Police or his representative (ex-officio)