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Section 5  Public Transport

Cross Boundary Vehicular Traffic 2015

Man Kam To Boundary Control Point Vehicular Traffic

Year / Month Private Car Coach Goods Vehicle and Container Total Vehicles Average Daily Vehicles
Inward Outward Inward Outward Inward Outward Inward Outward Two-way Inward Outward Two-way
2015 101,372 101,955 65,251 54,442 714,673 748,516 881,296 904,913 1,786,209 2,415 2,479 4,894
2015/01 8,408 8,431 6,098 4,977 63,685 64,018 78,191 77,426 155,617 2,522 2,498 5,020
02 7,201 7,094 5,149 4,159 42,920 43,687 55,270 54,940 110,210 1,974 1,962 3,936
03 8,071 8,235 5,262 4,541 54,735 60,019 68,068 72,795 140,863 2,196 2,348 4,544
04 8,328 8,444 5,089 4,291 60,242 63,406 73,659 76,141 149,800 2,455 2,538 4,993
05 8,064 8,232 5,355 4,501 60,099 64,313 73,518 77,046 150,564 2,372 2,485 4,857
06 8,234 8,507 5,257 4,432 61,205 63,766 74,696 76,705 151,401 2,490 2,557 5,047
07 8,616 8,682 5,010 4,142 59,856 65,347 73,482 78,171 151,653 2,370 2,522 4,892
08 8,838 8,812 5,053 4,083 60,434 66,145 74,325 79,040 153,365 2,398 2,550 4,947
09 8,709 8,748 5,744 4,811 62,726 64,726 77,179 78,285 155,464 2,573 2,610 5,182
10 8,968 8,928 5,873 4,925 61,979 62,337 76,820 76,190 153,010 2,478 2,458 4,936
11 8,739 8,679 5,717 4,805 62,576 63,814 77,032 77,298 154,330 2,568 2,577 5,144
12 9,196 9,163 5,644 4,775 64,216 66,938 79,056 80,876 159,932 2,550 2,609 5,139
Sources: Immigration Department and Customs and Excise Department

Sha Tau Kok Boundary Control Point Vehicular Traffic

Year / Month Private Car Coach Goods Vehicle and Container Total Vehicles Average Daily Vehicles
Inward Outward Inward Outward Inward Outward Inward Outward Two-way Inward Outward Two-way
2015 224,003 226,012 52,961 52,657 111,778 154,738 388,742 433,407 822,149 1,065 1,187 2,252
2015/01 18,657 18,854 4,618 4,563 10,548 14,790 33,823 38,207 72,030 1,091 1,232 2,324
02 14,391 14,396 4,278 4,299 5,848 8,836 24,517 27,531 52,048 876 983 1,859
03 17,752 18,156 4,594 4,544 9,449 12,476 31,795 35,176 66,971 1,026 1,135 2,160
04 17,193 17,321 4,520 4,498 9,346 13,006 31,059 34,825 65,884 1,035 1,161 2,196
05 17,764 17,799 4,456 4,418 9,481 12,711 31,701 34,928 66,629 1,023 1,127 2,149
06 18,234 18,664 4,306 4,274 9,357 12,995 31,897 35,933 67,830 1,063 1,198 2,261
07 19,344 19,564 4,236 4,187 10,268 14,439 33,848 38,190 72,038 1,092 1,232 2,324
08 19,461 19,660 4,309 4,282 9,696 13,657 33,466 37,599 71,065 1,080 1,213 2,292
09 19,878 19,927 4,386 4,367 9,553 13,429 33,817 37,723 71,540 1,127 1,257 2,385
10 21,502 21,568 4,562 4,541 8,701 11,950 34,765 38,059 72,824 1,121 1,228 2,349
11 21,495 21,711 4,278 4,281 9,718 13,216 35,491 39,208 74,699 1,183 1,307 2,490
12 18,332 18,392 4,418 4,403 9,813 13,233 32,563 36,028 68,591 1,050 1,162 2,213
Sources: Immigration Department and Customs and Excise Department

Lok Ma Chau Boundary Control Point Vehicular Traffic

Year / Month Private Car Coach Shuttle Bus Goods Vehicle and Container
Inward Outward Inward Outward Inward Outward Inward Outward
2015 1,731,003 1,706,080 286,413 288,725 123,443 121,660 2,410,854 2,176,214
2015/01 150,567 148,786 24,441 24,312 10,272 10,227 213,014 192,724
02 127,945 126,544 22,434 22,161 8,926 8,679 136,166 120,965
03 146,349 144,590 24,137 24,598 9,743 9,561 202,033 179,787
04 146,023 143,198 24,005 24,218 10,822 10,398 206,554 184,596
05 143,472 140,407 24,408 24,129 10,315 10,150 202,142 179,544
06 142,393 141,097 23,470 23,434 9,879 9,859 208,333 187,003
07 143,703 141,285 23,973 24,192 10,599 10,234 217,694 193,031
08 147,523 145,238 24,243 25,174 11,409 10,967 211,229 188,642
09 142,136 139,970 23,249 23,140 10,056 10,036 209,189 190,387
10 148,865 146,877 24,010 24,771 10,622 10,539 192,646 178,579
11 143,372 141,598 23,929 24,333 10,458 10,607 202,493 188,077
12 148,655 146,490 24,114 24,263 10,342 10,403 209,361 192,879

Lok Ma Chau Boundary Control Point Vehicular Traffic (Cont'd)

Year / Month Total Vehicles Average Daily Vehicles
Inward Outward Two-way Inward Outward Two-way
2015 4,551,713 4,292,679 8,844,392 12,470 11,761 24,231
2015/01 398,294 376,049 774,343 12,848 12,131 24,979
02 295,471 278,349 573,820 10,553 9,941 20,494
03 382,262 358,536 740,798 12,331 11,566 23,897
04 387,404 362,410 749,814 12,913 12,080 24,994
05 380,337 354,230 734,567 12,269 11,427 23,696
06 384,075 361,393 745,468 12,803 12,046 24,849
07 395,969 368,742 764,711 12,773 11,895 24,668
08 394,404 370,021 764,425 12,723 11,936 24,659
09 384,630 363,533 748,163 12,821 12,118 24,939
10 376,143 360,766 736,909 12,134 11,638 23,771
11 380,252 364,615 744,867 12,675 12,154 24,829
12 392,472 374,035 766,507 12,660 12,066 24,726
Sources: Immigration Department and Customs and Excise Department

Shenzhen Bay Boundary Control Point Vehicular Traffic

Year / Month Private Car Coach Goods Vehicle and Container
Inward Outward Inward Outward Inward Outward
2015 1,327,256 1,350,991 188,304 191,909 244,989 397,573
2015/01 112,463 114,300 16,566 17,075 17,413 32,715
02 98,516 99,918 13,830 13,715 10,787 21,634
03 110,038 112,906 16,207 16,225 17,848 32,199
04 110,139 111,917 15,750 15,791 18,894 33,406
05 108,594 109,910 16,129 16,681 18,011 32,613
06 108,687 111,698 14,936 15,421 18,896 33,962
07 110,454 112,279 16,125 17,048 21,180 35,780
08 114,520 116,440 15,653 15,732 21,687 34,066
09 111,068 112,731 15,526 15,909 23,445 35,189
10 115,894 117,769 16,007 16,115 22,266 32,399
11 110,227 112,924 15,824 15,639 25,955 35,460
12 116,656 118,199 15,751 16,558 28,607 38,150

Shenzhen Bay Boundary Control Point Vehicular Traffic (Cont'd)

Year / Month Total Vehicles Average Daily Vehicles
Inward Outward Two-way Inward Outward Two-way
2015 1,760,549 1,940,473 3,701,022 4,823 5,316 10,140
2015/01 146,442 164,090 310,532 4,724 5,293 10,017
02 123,133 135,267 258,400 4,398 4,831 9,229
03 144,093 161,330 305,423 4,648 5,204 9,852
04 144,783 161,114 305,897 4,826 5,370 10,197
05 142,734 159,204 301,938 4,604 5,136 9,740
06 142,519 161,081 303,600 4,751 5,369 10,120
07 147,759 165,107 312,866 4,766 5,326 10,092
08 151,860 166,238 318,098 4,899 5,363 10,261
09 150,039 163,829 313,868 5,001 5,461 10,462
10 154,167 166,283 320,450 4,973 5,364 10,337
11 152,006 164,023 316,029 5,067 5,467 10,534
12 161,014 172,907 333,921 5,194 5,578 10,772
Sources: Immigration Department and Customs and Excise Department

All Boundary Control Points Vehicular Traffic

Year / Month Private Car Coach Shuttle Bus Goods Vehicle and Container
Inward Outward Inward Outward Inward Outward Inward Outward
2015 3,383,634 3,385,038 592,929 587,733 123,443 121,660 3,482,294 3,477,041
2015/01 290,095 290,371 51,723 50,927 10,272 10,227 304,660 304,247
02 248,053 247,952 45,691 44,334 8,926 8,679 195,721 195,122
03 282,210 283,887 50,200 49,908 9,743 9,561 284,065 284,481
04 281,683 280,880 49,364 48,798 10,822 10,398 295,036 294,414
05 277,894 276,348 50,348 49,729 10,315 10,150 289,733 289,181
06 277,548 279,966 47,969 47,561 9,879 9,859 297,791 297,726
07 282,117 281,810 49,344 49,569 10,599 10,234 308,998 308,597
08 290,342 290,150 49,258 49,271 11,409 10,967 303,046 302,510
09 281,791 281,376 48,905 48,227 10,056 10,036 304,913 303,731
10 295,229 295,142 50,452 50,352 10,622 10,539 285,592 285,265
11 283,833 284,912 49,748 49,058 10,458 10,607 300,742 300,567
12 292,839 292,244 49,927 49,999 10,342 10,403 311,997 311,200

All Boundary Control Points Vehicular Traffic (Cont'd)

Year / Month Total Vehicles Average Daily Vehicles
Inward Outward Two-way Inward Outward Two-way
2015 7,582,300 7,571,472 15,153,772 20,773 20,744 41,517
2015/01 656,750 655,772 1,312,522 21,185 21,154 42,339
02 498,391 496,087 994,478 17,800 17,717 35,517
03 626,218 627,837 1,254,055 20,201 20,253 40,453
04 636,905 634,490 1,271,395 21,230 21,150 42,380
05 628,290 625,408 1,253,698 20,267 20,174 40,442
06 633,187 635,112 1,268,299 21,106 21,170 42,277
07 651,058 650,210 1,301,268 21,002 20,975 41,976
08 654,055 652,898 1,306,953 21,099 21,061 42,160
09 645,665 643,370 1,289,035 21,522 21,446 42,968
10 641,895 641,298 1,283,193 20,706 20,687 41,393
11 644,781 645,144 1,289,925 21,493 21,505 42,998
12 665,105 663,846 1,328,951 21,455 21,414 42,869
Sources: Immigration Department and Customs and Excise Department