Traffic Notices
Notices on Public Transports in North
(Inside the brackets are the effective dates of the traffic arrangements.)
- Service Enhancement of KMB Route No. 277E (Sheung Shui (Tin Ping) – Lam Tin Station) (31.03.2025)
- Service Enhancement of KMB Route No. 78B (31.03.2025)
- Service Adjustment of KMB Route No. 78K (31.03.2025)
- Temporary Relocation of Bus Stop on Tai Wo Service Road West Eastbound, Fanling (17.03.2025)
- Service Enhancement of New Territories (NT) GMB Supplementary Service Route No. 55S (10.03.2025)
- Extension of Suspension of Taxi Pick-up / Drop-off Point on Pik Fung Road, Fanling (05.03.2025)
- Introduction of Evening Peak Service from Sham Shui Po Yen Chow Street to Fanling Luen Wo Hui (via Sheung Shui) of KMB Route No. 270D (17.02.2025)
- Temporary Service Adjustment of KMB Special Departures Route No. 78S (15.02.2025)
- Service Adjustments of KMB Route No. 373 (Fanling(Luen Wo Hui) - Central(Hong Kong Station Public Transport Interchange)) (03.02.2025)
- Trial on Service Hour Advancement of KMB Route No. 270B (Olympic Station to Sheung Shui) (26.01.2025)
- Commissioning of New Bus Stop at Lung Ma Road Outside One Queen's Hill (26.01.2025)
- Fare Adjustment of New Territories Green Minuibus Route Nos. 55K, 56B, 56C and 56K (26.01.2025)
- Service Enhancement of New Territories Green Minibus (GMB) Route No. 55K (26.01.2025)
- Extension of Temporary Relocation of Bus Stops on Jockey Club Road Northbound outside North District Park, Fanling [Road Works] (20.01.2025)
- Service Enhancement of CTB Route No. 79 (Queen’s Hill – Tai Wai Station) (23.12.2024)
- Service Enhancement of CTB Special Departures Route No. B7 (Fanling Station – Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point) (23.12.2024)
- Fare Adjustment for GMB Route No. 505 (Sheung Shui San Fat Street - Sha Tin Yuen Chau Kok) (22.12.2024)
- Extension of Temporary Relocation of Bus Stops on Tai Wo Service Road West, Fanling [Road Works] (14.12.2024)
- Partial Rerouting and Provision of Additional Stops of New Territories GMB Route 59A (Sheung Shui Heung - Sheung Shui Station) (Circular) (08.12.2024)
- Service Adjustment of KMB Special Departures Route No. 270S (Tsim Sha Tsui East (Mody Road) to Luen Wo Hui) (03.12.2024)
- Service Enhancement of CTB Route No. 79 (Queen’s Hill – Tai Wai Station) (02.12.2024)
- Temporary Relocation of Bus Stop on Bride's Pool Road Westbound near Bride’s Pool Nature Trail, North District (25.10.2024)
- Service Adjustment of the Special Departures of KMB Route No. 78A (Shan Lai Court to Fanling Station) (02.10.2024)
- Service Enhancement of KMB Route No. 78B (Queen’s Hill – Choi Yuen) (02.10.2024)
- Service Adjustment of KMB Route No. N373 (17.09.2024)
- Service Adjustment of KMB Special Departures Route No. 78 (Sha Tau Kok to Tai Ping) (02.09.2024)
- KMB Route No. 273B (Ching Ho Estate to Sheung Shui Station) during Morning Peak (02.09.2024)
- Service Enhancement of KMB Route No. 277E (Sheung Shui (Tin Ping) – Lam Tin Station) (01.09.2024)
- Service Adjustment of Citybus Special Departures Route No. 79P (Queen’s Hill – West Kowloon Station Bus Terminus) (26.08.2024)
- Introduction of Citybus Route No. 79 (Queen’s Hill – Tai Wai Station) (25.08.2024)
- Replacement of Operator and Update of Service Arrangements of New Territories GMB Route No. 57K and 58K (18.08.2024)
- Service Enhancement of KMB Route No. 79K Special Departures (Ta Kwu Ling – Fanling Station) (15.08.2024)
- Temporary Relocation of Bus Stop on Bride's Pool Road Westbound near Bride’s Pool Nature Trail, North District (28.07.2024)
- Fare Adjustments for New Territories GMB Route Nos. 50K, 50A, 51K and 51B (28.07.2024)
- Service Adjustments of the Special Departures of KMB Route No. 78A (Shan Lai Court to Fanling Station) (22.07.2024)
- Service Adjustment of KMB Special Route No. N78 (Sheung Shui – Sha Tau Kok) (16.07.2024)
- Introduction of New Territories (NT) GMB Supplementary Service Route No. 55S (Sha Tau Kok (Shun Lung Street) – Ta Kwu Ling (Tsung Yuen Ha)) (30.06.2024)
- Service Adjustments of KMB Special Departures Route No. 78S (Sheung Shui – Sha Tau Kok) (10.06.2024)
- Fare Adjustment for the New Territories Public Light Bus (Scheduled) Service Route Nos. 59S (Sheung Shui Station – Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point) and 59A (Sheung Shui Heung – Sheung Shui Station) (Circular) (01.06.2024)
- Service Enhancement of KMB Route No. 78B (Queen’s Hill – Choi Yuen) (13.05.2024)
- Service Enhancement of KMB Route No. 78A (Queen’s Hill – Fanling Station (Circular)) (13.05.2024)
- Service Adjustment of “Sha Tau Kok – Lai Chi Wo/ Ap Chau/Kat O” Kaito Ferry Service (02.05.2024)
- Cessation of “Sha Tau Kok – Ap Chau/Kat O” Kaito Ferry Service (02.05.2024)
- Service Adjustment of “Sam Mun Tsai – Tai Shui Hang/Lai Chi Wo/ Kat O/Ap Chau” Kaito Ferry Service (01.05.2024)
- Extension of Temporary Relocation of Bus Stop on Tai Wo Service Road West Westbound, Fanling [Road Works] (30.04.2024)
- Provision of Special Short-working Departures of KMB Route No. 79K (Fanling Station to Ta Kwu Ling (Tsung Yuen Ha) Bus Terminus) (27.04.2024)
- Introduction of CTB Special Departures Route No. 78P (Queen’s Hill to Kwun Tong (Lei Yue Mun Road)) (19.02.2024)
- Service Enhancement of KMB Special Departure Route No. 78 and Service Adjustment of KMB Route No. 78K (19.02.2024)
- Service Enhancement of the Special Departures of CTB Route No. B7 (Fanling Station - Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point) (10.02.2024)
- Service Adjustment of New Territories Green Minibus (GMB) Route No. 54K (Fanling Station to Lung Yeuk Tau (Circular)) (01.02.2024)
- Service Enhancement of KMB Route No. 277E (Sheung Shui (Tin Ping) – Lam Tin Station) (28.01.2024)
- Transport Arrangements for the Second Phase of the Sha Tau Kok Opening-up Plan (18.12.2023)
- Relocation of Bus Stops of KMB Route Nos. 78A (Queens Hill – Fanling Staion (Circular)) and 278A (Queens Hill – Tsuen Wan (Nina Tower)) (16.12.2023)
- Service Enhancement of New Territories Public Light Bus (Scheduled) Service Supplementary Route No. 59S (Sheung Shui Station – Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point) (11.12.2023)
- Introduction of Special Departures of CTB Route No. B7 (Fanling Station – Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point) (02.12.2023)
- Provision of Private Car Parking Spaces on Lin Ma Hang Road near Tsoi Yuen Kok, Sha Tau Kok (01.12.2023)
- Service Arrangements of KMB Route No. W3 (Sheung Shui – West Kowloon Station Bus Terminus) (27.11.2023)
- Provision of a Special Short-working Departure of KMB Route No. 79K (Fanling Station to Ta Kwu Ling (Tsung Yuen Ha) Bus Terminus) (27.11.2023)
- Service Enhancement of KMB Route No. 277E (Sheung Shui (Tin Ping) – Lam Tin Station) (26.11.2023)
- Introduction of New Territories (NT) Green Minibus Routes No. 506 (Chi Fuk Circuit– Luen Wo Hui (Circular)) and No. 507 (Ma Sik Road – Fanling Station (Circular)) (12.11.2023)
- Relocation of Bus Stop on Man Kam To Road, North District near Sandy Ridge (06.11.2023)
- Stop Arrangement of Green Minibus (GMB) New Territories Route Nos. 501A, 501C and 501K at Fanling Station GMB Terminus (05.11.2023)
- Service Enhancement of New Territories Public Light Bus (Scheduled) Service Supplementary Route No. 56B (Fanling Station – Tan Chuk Hang) (04.11.2023)
- Addition of Bus Stops of KMB Route No. 78B (Choi Yuen – Queen’s Hill) (30.10.2023)
- Relocation of the Termini of the N.T. GMB Route Nos. 57K and 59K at the Sheung Shui Station GMB Terminus (19.10.2023)
- Re-routeing of N.T. Public Light Bus (Scheduled) Service Route No. 52K (Fanling Station to Ping Che) (16.10.2023)
- Service Enhancement of CTB Route No. 78X (Queen’s Hill – Kai Tak) (03.10.2023)
- Service Enhancement of CTB Route No. 79X (Queen’s Hill – Cheung Sha Wan (Kom Tsun Street)) (01.10.2023)
- Service Adjustments of CTB Route No. B7 (Po Wan Road – Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point) (30.09.2023)
- Service Enhancement of New Territories Public Light Bus (Scheduled) Service Supplementary Route No. 59S (Sheung Shui Station – Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point) (30.09.2023)
- Advancement of the First Sheung Shui Departure of KMB Route No. 79K (Sheung Shui to Ta Kwu Ling (Tsung Yuen Ha)) (30.09.2023)
- Service Enhancement of KMB Route No. 78B (Queen’s Hill – Choi Yuen) (07.09.2023)
- Provision of a Special Short-working Departure of KMB Route No. 79K (Ta Kwu Ling (Tsung Yuen Ha) Bus Terminus to Fanling Station) (01.09.2023)
- Introduction of Special Departure and Return Service of KMB Route No. 78B (Queens Hill – Choi Yuen) (01.09.2023)
- Service Enhancement of KMB Route No. 277E (Sheung Shui (Tin Ping) – Lam Tin Station) (20.08.2023)
- Service Adjustment of CTB Route No. 79X (Queen’s Hill – Cheung Sha Wan (Kom Tsun Street)) and Introduction of Special Departures Route No. 79P (Queen’s Hill – West Kowloon Station Bus Terminus) (19.08.2023)
- Service Adjustment of CTB Route No. 78X (Queen’s Hill – Kai Tak) and Introduction of Special Departures Route No. 78C (Queen’s Hill – Kai Tak) (19.08.2023)
- Service Enhancement of KMB Route No. 277E (Sheung Shui (Tin Ping) – Lam Tin Station) (05.08.2023)
- Bus Stop Rearrangements at the Sheung Shui Bus Terminus (29.07.2023)
- Service Enhancement of KMB Route No. 78A (Queen’s Hill – Fanling Station (Circular)) (10.07.2023)
- Additional Bus Stop for KMB Route Nos. 978 (Exhibition Centre Station – Fanling (Wah Ming)) and 978A (Exhibition Centre Station – Fanling (Luen Wo Hui)) (03.07.2023)
- Service Enhancement of KMB Route No. 77K (Sheung Shui – Yuen Long (Fung Cheung Road)) (05.06.2023)
- Service Enhancement of New Territories Green Minibus (GMB) Short Working Service Route No. 503K (29.05.2023)
- Deployment of a Low-floor Wheelchair Accessible Public Light Bus on New Territories (NT) Green Minibus (GMB) Route No. 503 (29.05.2023)
- Service Enhancement of CTB Route No. 79X (Queen’s Hill – Hoi Tat Public Transport Interchange) (27.05.2023)
- Trial of Short-working Departures of New Territories Public Light Bus (Scheduled) Service Route No. 505 (Fanling Wo Mun Street En-route Stop to Chap Wai Kon Street near Shatin Prince of Wales Hospital) (15.05.2023)
- Fare Adjustments for the New Territories Public Light Bus (Scheduled) Service Route No. 52A (Fanling Station – Wo Mun Street Public Light Bus Terminus), Route No. 52B (Fanling Station – Hok Tau) and Route No. 52K (Fanling Station – Ping Che) (14.05.2023)
- Addition of Bus Stops of CTB Route No. B7 (Po Wan Road – Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point) (06.05.2023)
- Settled Bus Route Planning Programme: Service Adjustment of KMB Route No. 373 and Special Departures Route No. 673 and Introduction of Special Departures Route No. 673A (24.04.2023)
- Service Enhancement of KMB Route No. N78 (Sheung Shui – Sha Tau Kok) (03.04.2023)
- Service Enhancement of New Territories Public Light Bus (Scheduled) Service Supplementary Route No. 59S (Sheung Shui Station – Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point) (03.04.2023)
- Service Adjustment of KMB Route No. T270 (Fanling (Cheung Wah) - Tsim Sha Tsui East (Mody Road)) (03.04.2023)
- Service Enhancement of KMB Route No. 79K (Sheung Shui – Ta Kwu Ling) (01.04.2023)
- Service Adjustment of KMB Route Nos. 279A (Luen Wo Hui to Tsing Yi Station) and 279B (Luen Wo Hui to Kwai Hing Station) (27.03.2023)
- Service Adjustment of KMB Route No. 270P (Sheung Shui to Kowloon Station) (20.03.2023)
- Fare Adjustment for the New Territories Public Light Bus (Scheduled) Service Route No. 59K (Sheung Shui Station – Lin Ma Hang / Heung Yuen Wai Village) (12.03.2023)
- Service Enhancement of CTB Route No. B7 (Po Wan Road – Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point) (11.03.2023)
- Service Adjustment of KMB Route No. 273S (Fai Ming Road – Fanling Station) (27.02.2023)
- Service Enhancement of KMB Route No. 78B (Queen’s Hill – Choi Yuen) (13.02.2023)
- Introduction of New Territories Public Light Bus (Scheduled) Service Supplementary Route No. 59A (Sheung Shui Heung – Sheung Shui Station (Circular)) (06.02.2023)
- Introduction of New Territories Public Light Bus (Scheduled) Service Supplementary Route No. 59S (Sheung Shui Station – Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point) (06.02.2023)
- Introduction of Citybus Route No. B7 (Po Wan Road – Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point) (06.02.2023)
- Cessation of Service – Overnight Public Light Bus (Scheduled) Service Route No. 58S (Sheung Shui – Mongkok) (01.01.2023)
- Permanent Relocation of Bus Stop on Tai Wo Service Road West Northbound near Wo Hop Shek Village, Fanling (29.12.2022)
- Service Enhancement of New Territories Green Minubus Route Nos. 503 (Queens Hill Estate – North District Hospital) and 503K (Queens Hill Estate – Spot) (31.10.2022)
- Introduction of Section Fares on KMB Route Nos. 261, 270A, 270B, 277E and 278X (14.08.2022)
- Introduction of Citybus Route No. 79X (Queens Hill - Nam Cheong Station) (30.11.2021)
- Introduction of KMB Route No. 78A (Queens Hill – Fanling Station (Circular)) (30.11.2021)
- Introduction of Citybus Route No. 78X (Queens Hill - Kai Tak) (30.11.2021)