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Traffic Notices

Traffic Advice
Service Adjustment of
KMB Route Nos. 279A (Luen Wo Hui to Tsing Yi Station) and
279B (Luen Wo Hui to Kwai Hing Station)

      Members of the public are advised that, in connection with the settled Bus Route Planning Programme 2022-2023, the services of KMB Route Nos. 279A (Luen Wo Hui to Tsing Yi Station) and 279B (Luen Wo Hui to Kwai Hing Station) from Mondays to Fridays (except Public Holidays) will be adjusted with effect from 27 March 2023 (Monday). Details are as follows:

KMB Route No. 279A (Luen Wo Hui to Tsing Yi Station)

      The number of departures from Luen Wo Hui Bus Terminus will be adjusted from six to four. The departure time from Luen Wo Hui Bus Terminus will be at 7 a.m., 7.30 a.m., 8.15 a.m. and 9 a.m..

KMB Route No. 279B (Luen Wo Hui to Kwai Hing Station)

      The number of departures from Luen Wo Hui Bus Terminus will be increased from one to three. The departure time from Luen Wo Hui Bus Terminus will be at 7.20 a.m., 7.40 a.m. and 8 a.m..

      Notices will be displayed by the bus company to inform passengers of the above arrangements in advance.

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