Provide Verified E-Contact Means In Licence and Permit Applications to the Transport Department
E-Contact Means (ECM) Verification
With effect from 18 November 2024, when Applicants need to apply for the Licence and Permit Application or Licence Renewal, they are required to provide either a Hong Kong Mobile Phone Number or Email Address that is frequently used, which they can be contacted through SMS or Email, as the ECM. Applicants shall verify the said ECM by One-time Password (OTP), so that TD could process the application.
Online Application/International Driving Permit (IDP) Self-service Kiosk: Instant Verification
If applicants submit licence application through online service or submit IDP application through the Self-service Kiosk, the ECM will be verified in the application process using the OTP instantly, which is fast and convenient.
Application in paper form: Verification via online platform
For submission of Licence and Permit Applications in paper form (through counters, drop-in boxes and by post), please access the TD's designated online platform to first verify the ECM using OTP, fill in the same verified ECM on the application form, and submit the application form within three months after the verification.
- For instance, if you plan to submit paper form application on 21 February 2025, you need to first verify the ECM through the online platform on the day of application submission or within three months before the submission (i.e. on or after 21 November 2024).
- For new applications under Regular Quota for Macao Private Cars to Hong Kong (Access to City Centre), please verify the ECM within three months before the expected effective date of Hong Kong's licence. Applicants may use the enquiry function on the website of Transport Bureau of Macao Special Administrative Region Government for enquiring the expected effective date of Hong Kong's licence.
User Guide of Online Platform
For submitting applications on or after 18 November 2024, please use the new version of forms (press the link in the below chart to download).
Name of Application Form | New Version of Application Forms (With effect from 18 November 2024) |
1. Registration and Licensing of a Vehicle | [TD22] |
2. Renewal of Vehicle Licence | [TD558] |
3. Change of Personal or Vehicle Particulars | [TD559] |
4. Transfer of ownership of a vehicle (except Taxi) | [TD25] |
5. Transfer of ownership of a Taxi | [TD25A] |
6. Duplicate of Vehicle Registration Document / Vehicle Licence | [TD151] |
7. Movement Permit for a Vehicle | [TD298] |
8. Movement Permit for a Classic Car | [TD371A] |
9. Issue of Trade Licence - Applicable to obtain a fresh new trade licence and a set of trade plates - Applicable to apply for the trade licence under the same trade plate number |
[TD24] [TD24] |
10. Duplicate of Movement Permit / Trade Licence | [TD309] |
11. International Circulation Permit (Mainland) (Only Traditional Chinese version available) | [TD54A] |
12. International Circulation Permit (Macao vehicles) (Only Traditional Chinese version available) | [TD54B] |
13. Change of Contact Information for International Circulation Permit (Only Traditional Chinese version available) | [TD54C] |
14. Application for Direct Issue of Full HK Driving Licence | [TD63A] |
15. Application for First Issue, Renewal and Addition of Full Driving Licence & Driving Instructor's Licence | [TD557] |
16. Application for International Driving Permit | [TD51] |
17. Application for Learner's Driving Licence (Private Car, Light Goods Vehicle, Motor Cycle & Motor Tricycle) | [TD555] |
18. Application for Learner's Driving Licence -- Commercial Vehicles | [TD556] |
19. Application for a Duplicate Driving Licence / Driving Instructor's Licence | [TD106] |
20. Application for Issue/Extension of Temporary D/L | [TD181] |
21. Application for New Issue, Renewal and Addition Probationary Driving Licence | [TD590] |
Channels for provision or change of ECM for cases other than submission of licensing applications
For driving licence holders who have not provided ECM to TD before, they are also welcome to provide and verify their ECM. Besides, if the member of public has a change of ECM, he or she, within 72 hours of the change shall notify the TD. The channels for provision or change of ECM are as follows -
- Use the GovHK's Change of Address / ECM service to submit the online application, the ECM will be verified in the application process using the OTP instantly.
- If you use TD's paper form (TD559) to submit application, applicants should first verify the ECM through the online platform, TD will then process the relevant applications afterwards.
Notes for attention
- Provision of a frequently used and verified ECM is very important. If the Hong Kong Mobile Phone Number or Email Address is incorrect or not frequently used, which may cause delay in settling the e-Traffic Ticket or tunnel toll, they will then need to bear the legal responsibilities, such as a penalty or a surcharge. Therefore, please ensure the Hong Kong Mobile Phone Number or Email Address is correct.
- The record of verified ECM is valid for three months. It can be used for more than one licensing application within the validity period. If applicants provide and verify different ECMs at different time, upon approval of the Licence and Permit Application, the latest record will replace the old one for updating the applicant's records of driving licences, all registered vehicles under his/her name and various types of licence and permit (if applicable). The original ECM will then become invalid and hence the means of receiving notification from the Police and TD will be changed.
- TD suggests members of the public to ensure the ECM is frequently used. If your current ECM is able to receive relevant notifications effectively, please continue to provide and verify the same ECM in all Licence and Permit Applications.
Notes for matters regarding HKeToll
- When registered vehicle owners and licence holders use the HKeToll service, including vehicle tag application and vehicle association to HKeToll accounts, registered vehicle owners and licence holders must use the verified ECM provided to the TD for authentication. The toll service provider will send an electronic payment notice to registered vehicle owners and licence holders through the ECM. The registered vehicle owner and licence holder must pay the tunnel toll within 14 business days after his/her vehicle has passed through the government-tolled tunnel, or otherwise late payment will incur a surcharge. Therefore, when submitting a licensing application to the TD, especially when an agent has been appointed to submit the application, registered vehicle owner, licence and permit holders must ensure that the verified ECM filled out in the application form is correct and is the frequently used one for them.
- If you have provided a Hong Kong mobile phone number or email address when creating or managing your HKeToll account, and verified with an OTP through the HKeToll website or mobile app, the Hong Kong mobile phone number or email address will only be used for managing your HKeToll account. It will not be used for updating your ECM record in the TD. You must verify your ECM using the aforementioned methods when submitting your licensing application(s).
- Registered vehicle owners may apply for a vehicle tag via HKeToll's webpage ( or mobile application, or visit HKeToll's customer service centers or service outlets to submit the application. First issue of "Vehicle Tag" to a particular motor vehicle is free of charge. TSP will send "Vehicle Tag" to registered vehicle owners directly by post. Registered vehicle owners can pay with "Vehicle Tag" without stopping at toll booth.
- For enquiries related to the operation of the Free Flow Tolling System or application for "vehicle tag", please visit HKeToll's webpage ( or call HKeToll's hotline at 3853 7333.
Anti-fraud Message
- SMS messages related to "ECM Verification" issued by TD will bear the ID "#TDeContact" with the prefix "#" to aid the member of the public identify the Authenticity of the messages. TD will not send SMS messages or emails with hyperlinks regarding "ECM Verification" matters to Applicants.
- If you have enquiries, please call the TD's hotline at 2804 2600.