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Obtaining Vehicle Registration Mark by Auction

Coming Auction(s)

'E-Auction' Online Auction
(Applicable to ordinary vehicle registration marks, except registration marks with "HK"/"XX" prefix)

Please visit the 'E-Auction' website.

  • Coming Online Auction: To be Confirmed

Physical Auction
(Applicable to registration marks starting with "HK"/"XX", special vehicle registration marks and personalized vehicle registration marks)

  • Coming Auction of Traditional Vehicle Registration Marks (registration marks starting with "HK"/"XX" and special vehicle registration marks): To be Confirmed

  • Coming Auction of Personalized Vehicle Registration Marks: To be Confirmed

Any sudden change to the scheduled auction date(s) will be announced through Information Services Department by press release as soon as possible. Interested bidders are advised to browse the latest press release(s) issued at HKSARG's website (see the link appended below) before bidding on 'E-Auction'or proceeding to the auction venue. For updates of online auction, you may also refer to the E-Auction website .

HKSAR's Press Release [Note: You will need to click the Archives/Yesterday's Press Releases at the bottom of that webpage for the press release(s) not issued that day.]

TD would issue SMS messages related to the auction of vehicle registration marks to the applicants who had provided local mobile phone number. SMS issued by TD will bear the ID "#TDAuction" with the prefix "#" for easy authentication. TD will not send SMS messages or emails with hyperlinks regarding auction of vehicle registration marks to applicants. In addition, please note that the phone number of TD's phone calls related to the auction of vehicle registration marks generally start with 3842.

Traditional Vehicle Registration Mark

Traditional vehicle registration marks may be obtained through sale by auction since 1973. TD has launched the E-Auction (, an online auction platform for ordinary vehicle registration marks, and interested bidders once registered as a user can participate in the online auction. Starting from February 2025, registered users can bid for their desired ordinary vehicle registration marks via E-Auction within the designated auction period. Registration marks with "HK"/"XX" prefix and special vehicle registration marks will continue to be auctioned in physical auction venues by paddle bidding method ('physical auctions').

The Transport Department will hold online and physical auctions of vehicle registration marks from time to time. You can pay attention to our press release(s), participate in the auction and bid for your favourite vehicle registration marks. You may also apply to reserve any unassigned traditional vehicle registration marks for auction.

A traditional vehicle registration mark that may be applied for auction shall consist only of not more than four numerals; or two letters as its prefix followed by not more than four numerals. The allocation and sale of traditional vehicle registration marks in Hong Kong are governed under Regulations 9 -14 of the Road Traffic (Registration and Licensing of Vehicles) Regulations, Cap. 374 Sub. Leg. E.


Personalized Vehicle Registration Mark

To provide more choices of vehicle registration marks to vehicle owners, the Government introduced a Personalized Vehicle Registration Marks Scheme in 2006. Under the Scheme, a vehicle owner can choose his/her preferred vehicle registration mark, apply to the Transport Department and use it upon approval following a bidding exercise.

A personalized vehicle registration mark shall consist of not more than eight letters (except letters "I", "O" and "Q"); not more than eight numerals; or any combination of letters (except letters "I", "O" and "Q") and numerals the total of which shall not exceed eight. The applications for and allocation of personalized vehicle registration mark are subject to Regulations 12A 12R of the Road Traffic (Registration and Licensing of Vehicles) Regulations, Cap. 374 Sub. Leg. E. The relevant web pages aim to introduce what a personalized vehicle registration mark is, the business process from submission of application to auction of personalized vehicle registration mark and the points to note for applicants. In the case of inconsistency, the Regulations shall prevail.

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