Traffic Notices
Traffic Advice
Provision of a Special Short-working Departure of KMB Route No. 79K
Provision of a Special Short-working Departure of KMB Route No. 79K
(Fanling Station to Ta Kwu Ling (Tsung Yuen Ha) Bus Terminus)
Members of the public are advised that, a special short-working departure of KMB Route No. 79K will be provided from Fanling Station to Ta Kwu Ling (Tsung Yuen Ha) Bus Terminus omitting Luen Wo Hui Public Transport Terminus at 6.40 p.m. from Mondays to Fridays (except Public Holidays) with effect from 27 November 2023 (Monday).
Notices will be displayed by the bus company to inform passengers of the above arrangements in advance.