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Traffic Notices

Traffic Advice
Stop Arrangement of Green Minibus (GMB) New Territories Route Nos. 501A, 501C and 501K at Fanling Station GMB Terminus

          Members of the public are advised that to facilitate daily operation of GMB services, the GMB stop of Route Nos. 501A, 501C and 501K (Yung Shing Court / Yan Shing Court to Luen Wo Hui (Circular)) at the second bay of Fanling Station GMB Terminus west of Fanling Station Road will be relocated to the fifth bay (i.e. behind the GMB stop of Route No. 56K) of the same terminus with effect from the first departure on 5 November 2023 (Sunday).

          The GMB operator has put up notices to inform passengers of the above arrangement.

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