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Traffic Notices

Traffic Advice
Re-routeing and Change of Termini of Special Departures of KMB Route No. 40X
(Ma On Shan Town Centre – Kwai Chung Estate)

        Members of the public are advised that with effect from 19 August 2024 (Monday), the origin and destination of special departures of KMB Route No. 40X (Ma On Shan Town Centre – Kwai Chung Estate) will be changed to Wu Kai Sha Station and Kwai Fong (South) respectively. Details are as follows:


Wu Kai Sha Station to Kwai Fong (South): via Sha On Street, Sai Sha Road, Hang Hong Street, Ma On Shan Road, Tate's Cairn Highway, Sha Lek Highway, Sha Tin Wai Road, Sha Tin Rural Committee Road, Tai Po Road – Sha Tin, Shing Mun Tunnel Road, Shing Mun Tunnel, Cheung Pei Shan Road, Wo Yi Hop Interchange, Wo Yi Hop Road, Cheung Wing Road, Kwai Chung Road, Kwai Foo Road, Hing Fong Road, Kwai Fuk Road, Roundabout and Container Port Road.

Operating Hours

Mondays to Saturadays (except Public Holidays)

Departure from Wu Kai Sha Station: 7.15 a.m. to 8.15 a.m.

Addition of
Bus Stops/ Termini

Ma On Shan

1. Wu Kai Sha Station

2. Lee On Estate

3. Wu Kai Sha New Village

4. Saddle Ridge Garden

Kwai Chung

5. Sun Kwai Hing Gardens

6. Kwai Fong Estate

7. Kwai Chung Plaza

8. Metroplaza

9. Kwai Fong (South)

Cancellation of
Bus Stops/ Termini

Ma On Shan/ Sha Tin

1. Chevalier Garden

2. A Kung Kok

3. Shatin Hospital

4. Heung Yee Kuk Building

5. City One Shatin

6. Wo Che Estate

7. Lek Yuen Estate

Kwai Chung

8. Kwai Hong Court

9. Ha Kwai House, Kwai Chung Estate

10. Chau Kwai House, Kwai Chung Estate

11. Kwai Chung Estate

        Notices will be displayed by the bus company to inform passengers of the above arrangements.
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