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Traffic Notices

Recission of Temporary Restricted Zones on Tai Wo Service Road East, North District

          In exercise of the powers vested in me under regulation 14(1)(b) of the Road Traffic (Traffic Control) Regulations, Chapter 374 sub. leg. G, I hereby direct that with effect from 5
.30 a.m. on 27 March 2024, the existing restricted zones on the following road sections, as gazetted in G.N. 6056 of 2023, will be rescinded:

  1. the southern kerbside lane of Tai Wo Service Road East from its junction with Tai Wo Service Road East roundabout to a point about 130 metres north of the same junction;
  2. the northern kerbside lane of Tai Wo Service Road East from its junction with Tai Wo Service Road East roundabout to a point about 150 metres north of the same junction; and
  3. the southern kerbside lane of the slip road leading from Fanling Highway southbound to Tai Wo Service Road East (exit 7A) from its junction with Tai Wo Service Road East to a point about 25 metres west of the same junction.

LEE Chung-yan, Angela Commissioner for Transport

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