Special traffic and transport arrangements for public procession 25.05.2007
Flyovers for Cross-boundary Goods Vehicles to Lok Ma Chau Control Point to be commissioned Sunday 24.05.2007
Auction of ordinary and special vehicle registration marks to be held on June 9 23.05.2007
Special traffic and transport arrangements for Cheung Chau Bun Festival celebrations 22.05.2007
Arrangements for cross-boundary private cars and goods vehicles to use Shenzhen Bay Port 22.05.2007
Streamlined arrangements for transport-related licensing services effective tomorrow 18.05.2007
Latest arrangements for public transport terminus in Festival Walk (with map) 17.05.2007
Temporary Closure of Public Transport Terminus in Festival Walk 17.05.2007
Applications selected for the 3rd Personalized Vehicle Registration Marks Exercise 07.05.2007
Special traffic and transport arrangements for celebration parade and variety show (with photos) 04.05.2007
Auction of Personalised Vehicle Registration Marks tomorrow 04.05.2007