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Transport Department

PVRM Scheme 1st phase application closed

     The first invitation exercise of the Personalised Vehicle Registration Marks (PVRM) Scheme closed yesterday (May 2). As at today (May 3), more than 1,300 applications had been received and more were expected in the next few days from those sent by post on or before May 2.

     A Transport Department spokesman said the department would select 1,000 applications by lot and the results of selection would be published at the Transport Department website (, Ming Pao and South China Morning Post before the end of May. Applicants would then be able to check whether or not their applications had been selected.

     Meanwhile, the department will examine whether the selected PVRMs meet the basic combination requirements.  Applicants with their proposed PVRMs meeting the requirements will be notified of the results by post and invited by batch each to pay a deposit of $5,000. If an applicant fails to pay the deposit within the specified period, his/her application will be deemed to have been cancelled automatically and will not be further processed. If, among the selected applications, more than one applicant proposes the same PVRM, only the one on which the lot falls first out of those applications will be further processed.

     If there is any change of correspondence address or contact telephone number after submission of an application, the applicant should immediately notify in writing the Vehicle Registration Marks Unit of Transport Department (Address: Room 506-508, 5/F, Harcourt House, 39 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong; fax no.: 3101 5561). For enquiry, please call the department hotline at 2804 2600.

Ends/Wednesday, May 3, 2006
Issued at HKT 11:17

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