Transport Department
Jaffe Road footpath widening
The Transport Department announced today (June 30) that in order to improve the pedestrian safety and walkway environment, the footpath at Jaffe Road (section between Luard Road and Fleming Road), Wan Chai, would be widened.
Some of the existing on-street parking spaces would be changed to loading/unloading bays. The removal of on-street parking spaces could minimise non-essential traffic circulating around to look for parking spaces, and road spaces could be utilised more efficiently. Landscaping works would also be carried out to enhance pedestrian walking environment.
“ Motorists may park their private cars in carparks nearby which have adequate parking spaces,” a Transport Department spokesman said.
The scheme would be carried out in two stages. The first stage would be carried out on July 2 on a trial basis for a period of about four weeks. Water-filled barriers will be installed to demarcate the carriageway and the future kerb line in order to test the proposed layout.
"With the provision of the loading area, loading/unloading activities of goods vehicles will be better regulated. To make sure that no obstruction will be caused to through traffic, no-stopping restriction will be imposed outside loading/unloading bay area,” the spokesman said.
"We will monitor the traffic situation closely after the measures are implemented, and we will continue to review our traffic management to introduce more improvement measures as appropriate," the spokesman added.
Ends/Thursday, June 30, 2005