Quality Taxi Services

In response to media enquiries, a Transport Department spokesman said that the department is conducting a consultancy study to explore possible ways to improve taxi service quality, and the idea of restricting persons convicted of serious criminal offences from driving taxis or applying for a taxi driving licence for a certain period of time is being examined as part of the study.

The idea was one of the recommendations made in a review of taxi licensing system conducted in 1998 by the Transport Advisory Committee (TAC), and was aimed at safeguarding the safety and interest of taxi passengers.

The TAC recommendations are being followed up by the Transport Department, which set up the Ad Hoc Quality Taxi Services Steering Committee in 1999 as an advisory body to the Commissioner for Transport to take forward these TAC recommendations.

To obtain a better understanding of taxi passengers' views on taxi services, including the idea of restricting persons convicted of serious criminal offences from driving taxis, a taxi passenger opinion survey was conducted in the second half of 1999. The findings of the survey indicated that there was public support for the idea.

"The consultant is now formulating details of such a proposal having regard to the outcome of the opinion survey mentioned above, overseas practices, legal aspects and the preliminary views of the taxi trade sought recently," the spokesman said.

"When the consultant's recommendations are ready, they will be considered by the Ad Hoc Quality Taxi Services Steering Committee, and if endorsed will be considered by Transport Department, and taken through the normal procedure of formal consultation with the taxi trade, TAC and Legislative Council.

"During this process, details of the proposal will be made public, and views expressed will be taken into account when finalising the proposal," the spokesman said.

End/Friday, August 25, 2000