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Transport Department

ITS a key to efficient traffic management in Hong Kong

The rapid advancement of technologies offers opportunities for transport planners to increase the efficiency of traffic management, to improve the overall capacity of the road system, and to enhance road safety.

"However, a well-planned and coordinated approach should be adopted to ensure compatibility and interoperability, and most importantly, cost-effectiveness," said the Commissioner for Transport, Mr Robert Footman.

To achieve this, Transport Department (TD) has been devoted to the development of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in Hong Kong through the following actions:

* to formulate an ITS strategy for Hong Kong;

* to promote awareness of ITS in Hong Kong;

* to encourage the development of enabling technologies; and

* to encourage private participation.

Sharing his experience on ITS applications with the audiences at the Asia-Pacific Electronics Symposium 2000 - Intelligent Transport System Technologies this (October 12) morning, Mr Footman said efforts had been and would continue to be devoted to the development of ITS.

In addition to the existing Area Traffic Control System, deployment of traffic control and surveillance equipment, automatic toll collection system, red light camera system, electronic parking payment system as well as Octopus card system, TD has been exploring other potential ITS applications in Hong Kong.

The feasibility study for Transport Information Systems, which was completed in March this year, recommended a system based on Geographical Information System and internet technologies to facilitate the development of various ITS applications such as public transport inquiry system, car navigation, fleet management and so on.

The system is scheduled for operation in 2003.

Other on-going ITS-related studies include the Preliminary Project Feasibility Study for a Traffic Management and Information Centre, the Feasibility Study on the Application of Electronic Road Pricing as well as ITS Strategy Review. These studies will either be completed very soon or by the end of this year.

On the promotion of ITS awareness, the Commissioner pointed out that two forums were organised this year to enhance the understanding of ITS and collaboration among government, academic, industry and commercial sectors.

The forums also provided opportunities for the parties concerned to establish a network of communication.

To encourage the development of enabling technologies, Mr Footman said the department had been keeping close contact with the universities and the industry.

"We are also considering various business models for private/public partnership in view of the different natures of different ITS applications," Mr Footman added.

End/Thursday, October 12, 2000

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