Preliminary feasibility study on TMIC commenced

The Transport Department has signed a contract today (June 7) with Hyder-Advantec Joint Venture for it to conduct a preliminary feasibility study on the Traffic Management and Information Centre (TMIC) for the Strategic Road Network (SRN).

The objective of the $1.68 million study is to find out the feasibility for establishing such a Centre, which will put traffic surveillance and management, incident management of the SRN and the dissemination of traveller information to the public under one umbrella.

"Since more and more new Traffic Control and Surveillance (TCS) systems will be set up as the SRN expands in the years to come, efficient traffic control and incident management become indispensable in raising the incident detection capability on SRN," said a spokesman for the Transport Department.

"Apart from the co-ordination role, the TMIC will also be responsible for the operation and maintenance of all field equipment on the open road sections of the SRN."

When the Study concludes at the end of the year, the Consultants will have to provide recommendations on the functional and operational requirements, manpower requirements, cost and contractual implications for establishing the TMIC and for integrating with it the existing TCS systems.

The Study also looks into the definition of the scope of the related functional specifications, the identification of the system architecture, and the carrying out of the preliminary design of the communication network.

Hyder-Advantec Joint Venture comprises Hyder Consulting Limited which is a local multiple-discipline consultant firm and Advantec Consulting Engineers Limited which is an American firm specialising in traffic control and surveillance systems.

End/Wednesday, June 7, 2000