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Transport Department

TD's statement in response to RS operators' requests

In response to requests made by a number of Residents' Services (RS) operators today (May 12), a spokesman for the Transport Department made the following statement:

"The series of measures introduced to rationalise the stopping activities of RS are intended to solve the acute traffic congestion problems in Central and Wan Chai districts, caused partly by indiscriminate stopping of RS coaches.

The RS are not specifically targeted. Earlier we have applied similar measures to franchised buses, and the effect has been satisfactory.

Since the implementation of the second phase of the scheme on May 8, it was observed that RS operators and passengers are getting familiar with the new arrangements.

Good order and smoother traffic were seen in Wan Chai and Central districts, particularly, along Gloucester Road eastbound during the morning peak hours and in Connaught Road Central westbound during the evening peak period.

The measures have been introduced following an extensive public consultation at District Councils, and briefings to RS operators, most of which supported the scheme to improve traffic condition in the two districts.

The passengers are also informed through the distribution of leaflets via the District Offices and the RS operators.

While the Transport Department will consider the suggestions made by the operators, it must be noted that there are available channels of expression of opinions, and any means of expressing discontented views should not cause inconvenience to passengers and other members of the public."

End/Friday, May 12, 2000


Police express concern over drive-slow during rush hour (12.05.2000)

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