Transport Department
More options for bus interchange in Tseung Kwan O
The Transport Department reminded bus passengers that another Bus-Bus Interchange (BBI) Scheme had been introduced in Tseung Kwun O this week.
The scheme, to be operated by KMB for Octopus card users, offers a discount ($3.5 for air-conditioned buses and $2.7 for non air-conditioned buses) for passengers transferring on Kwun Tong Road.
Passengers travelling on Route 98A (Kwun Tong bound) can transfer at the interchange location on Kwun Tong Road outside Millennium City, within two hours of boarding the first leg, to Routes 38, 70X, 74X, 89X and 269C heading for Kwai Chung, Sheung Shui, Tai Po, Sha Tin and Tin Shui Wai respectively at discounted fares.
Passengers travelling on the five New Territories routes (Kowloon bound) can change to Route 98A at Ngau Tau Kok MTR Station, within two and a half hours of boarding the first leg, at discounted fares.
A spokesman for the Transport Department said that BBI schemes were getting more and more popular since passengers are given a wider bus network with more choices of bus routes at concessionary fares.
"Given the limited road space in Hong Kong, the introduction of BBI schemes can help reduce unnecessary duplication caused by point-to-point services and minimise the need for long haul bus routes.
The spokesman also reminded passengers that Route 98A (Hang Hau North - Kwun Tong Yue Man Square) had changed to a circular route and extended its services to Ngau Tau Kok MTR Station.
"The special trips of Route 98A which travel through the Tseung Kwan O Tunnel are not included in this interchange scheme," added the spokesman.
End/Wednesday, March 28, 2001