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Transport Department

Quality PLB service seminar on basic financial management

A "Seminar on Basic Financial Management" for Public Light Bus (PLB) operators organized by the Transport Department (TD) was held today (November 1) at North Point Government Offices.

The seminar was aimed at enhancing PLB operator's knowledge of financial management and skills in completing the Annual Financial Return to TD.

The Commissioner for Transport, Mr. Robert Footman, said while speaking at the seminar that PLBs were playing an important role in the public transport system and carrying about 1.5 million passengers a day. The PLB operators should have sound knowledge and system in handling the operating records and financial data.

Regarding the revised form on Annual Financial Return to be submitted to TD, he said: "This revised form will facilitate the Department to obtain more comprehensive information of the operation of Green Minibus services and their business performance. Operators are also encouraged to use electronic form for submitting the financial return to us."

During the seminar, a professional accountant was invited to give presentation to operators on basic concepts and systems in financial management. Moreover, skills on completing annual financial return were also mentioned. All participants were awarded with a certificate after completion of the seminar.

End/Friday, November 1, 2002

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