Transport Department
Speech by Commissioner for Transport at parking meter replacement programme ceremony
The following is the speech of the Commissioner for Transport, Mr Robert Footman, delivered at the "Completion of Parking Meter Replacement Programme cum Support Community Chest with Your e.Park Card" Ceremony" today (November 23):
Mr Yu, Mr Sham, Mr McGuigan, dear guests,
Good afternoon. I think those of you who drive would have noticed the gradual replacement of the old e.Park meters during the past year or so. I am pleased that the new system is now fully implemented, and has been well accepted by users as a more convenient and environmentally friendly system.
As e.Park cards will no longer be accepted, we have set up 23 outlets for users to conveniently obtain refunds. We have also launched a campaign to "Support the Community Chest with Your e.Park Card" with the help of the Chest, Hong Kong Parking Ltd, and Shell Hong Kong Ltd.
From October 1 to December 31, 2004, motorists can choose to donate their e.Park cards to the Chest, by simply placing their cards in the Chest Collection Boxes located at all refund outlets and at all Shell stations.
At the end of the campaign, we will gather all the cards and hopefully write a big cheque to the Chest on behalf of the donors. Your generosity will make all the difference, so please let's join in the spirit of sharing in the weeks leading up to Christmas and Support the Community Chest with your e.Park card.
I wish finally to thank the Community Chest, Shell Hong Kong Ltd, and Hong Kong Parking Ltd for joining in this wonderful cause. And last but not the least, I would like to thank all colleagues who have put their hearts and time into the parking meter project and this campaign.
Ends/Tuesday, November 23, 2004