Transport Department
Queen's Road Central lane closure due to footpath widening
The Transport Department (TD) will from November 9 (Saturday) 0.01 am close the northern kerbside lane of Queen's Road Central (QRC) (section between Theatre Lane and Pottinger Street) for a trial widening of the footpath to improve the pedestrian congestion situation.
TD's Chief Engineer (Pedestrian Facilities), Mr Kevin Luk Fuk-man, introduced details of the plan today (November 7) and said that the footpath widening was carried out to improve the unsatisfactory walking environment of the relevant section of QRC with heavy pedestrian flows.
He said: "At the weekday three-hour lunch peak, the hourly flows vary between 4,800 and 9,600 pedestrians at the existing 2.9 to 6-metre wide footpaths. The worst condition occurs at the section between Li Yuen Street East and Chiu Lung Street (outside Dragon Seed Building). Pedestrians are suffering from restricted walking speeds and conflicts with others resulting in frequent stoppages and interruption to flows."
"Pedestrian flows during general holidays are also heavy, with an hourly peak flow at lunch ranging between 2,700 and 5,000 pedestrians," he added.
Mr Luk stressed that TD would carefully monitor and assess impacts on traffic upon implementation of the footpath widening and lane closure.
He added that Pedestrian schemes implemented at Theatre Lane, Chiu Lung Street and Lan Kwai Fong area operated effectively and were well received by the public.
TD will from November 9 convert the concerned QRC northern kerbside traffic lane into footpath to relocate about 2.5 to 2.8-metre more space for pedestrian movements along the original footpath of the section. Railings will be installed to separate the extended footpath from the carriageway.
The existing carriageway will be reduced from three lanes to two, with an overall width of about 8 metres. Whole day "No Stopping Restriction" will be imposed along the northern kerbside except at the section between Li Yuen Street East and Li Yuen Street West where a lay-by will be provided. More Loading/Unloading areas will be provided along the southern kerbside lane, which will be 5-metre wide to allow overtaking of stationary vehicles. (Detail Map )
People may visit TD website (
End/Thursday, November 7, 2002