Transport Department
Closure and repair of Des Voeux Road Central
Des Voeux Road Central near Pottinger Street, Central was still closed for urgent repair subsequent to the underground water mains burst at the location yesterday (November 13). The closure is expected to last for a couple of days.
It is expected that the road traffic will be more congested comparing with the normal day due to the road closure. Transport Department advises members of the public to consider taking MTRC or the tram to travel at Central, and get on to work earlier in the morning. Motorists are advised not to drive to that area if not absolutely necessary.
Besides, several bus routes have been diverted and bus stops relocated due to the road closure. Members of the public should attend to the instruction from the bus companies and consult them about the details of the diversion. The enquiry number of KMB is 2745 4466; Citybus 2873 0818 and NWFB 2136 8888.
End/ Thursday, November 14, 2002