Transport Department
Disabled persons to elect their model taxi drivers
People with disabilities are urged to nominate taxi drivers for the Model Taxi Drivers Award, a campaign which gives recognition to taxi drivers who render their kind assistance to the disabled people.
Organised by the Transport Department, Hong Kong Council of Social Service, taxi associations and Metro Broadcast Corporation Limited, the Model Taxi Drivers Award from the Viewpoint of the People with Disabilities was launched last month.
Ten taxi drivers will be selected for the Award when the campaign concludes on January 21, 2000. Of these ten drivers, three will be awarded the "Outstanding Model Taxi Driver from the Viewpoint of People with Disabilities".
"Letters of Appreciation, oil coupons and souveniors will be presented to the ten drivers and we hope the Award scheme would encourage more taxi drivers to provide better service to passengers with disabilities," said a spokesman for the Transport Department.
Members of the public with disabilities can nominate any drivers in the territory whom they think deserve the Award.
Nominations will be assessed by an assessment panel based on the drivers' driving behaviours, attitudes, and their responsiveness towards disabled passengers.
Nomination forms can be obtained from the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, Licensing Offices of the Transport Department as well as District Offices and completed forms should be posted to the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, 11-13th Floor, Duke of Windsor Social Services Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Hong Kong no later than January 21, 2000.
The Award presentation will be held in February 2000.
"The Model Taxi Drivers Award from the Viewpoint of the People with Disabilities serves as an introduction to a series of taxi related activities including a Taxi Driver Award, a quarterly publication and training projects to enhance taxi service quality," the spokesman said.
Friday, January 14, 2000