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Transport Department

TD monitors first public ride day of Ma On Shan Rail

Transport Department (TD) has activated the Emergency Transport Coordination Centre (ETCC) to monitor the transport and traffic conditions and to maintain close liaison with KCRC and the bus companies, since the Ma On Shan Rail (MOSR) officially opened its services to the public from 3 pm today (December 21).

Operation of MOSR and other public transport services have been generally smooth up to 8 pm today.

A TD spokesman said: "The department has also deployed officers at the strategic locations to observe the traffic and pedestrian flow. TD will maintain close liaison with the transport operators to ensure smooth operation of the Ma On Shan Rail."

All MOSR stations and the newly built Public Transport Interchange at Wu Kai Sha are ready to serve passengers. A network of feeder services has been put in place for those who lived further away from new railway stations.

All existing public transport services will be maintained at the beginning of commissioning of the new railway. TD will phase in the public transport plan gradually to facilitate smooth adaptation. The first phase will strengthen feeder services to MOSR stations. Other changes such as rationalisation of bus routes will only be gradually introduced after passenger traveling patterns have been carefully monitored and assessed after opening of MOSR.

TD reminded the public to allow time for them to familiarise themselves with the MOS Rail and to avoid last minute rush in making their journeys. The Department will continue to activate ETCC to monitor the transport and traffic conditions tomorrow.

End/Tuesday, December 21, 2004

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