Transport Department
Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Greater Bay Area Quota Scheme extended
The Transport Department (TD) announced today (November 23) that the governments of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao will extend the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB) Greater Bay Area (GBA) Quota Scheme (Trial Phase). The TD will issue invitation letters from the end of November to eligible quota holders of Hong Kong cross-boundary private cars to submit applications from December 1 this year.The Trial Phase was implemented since end-2019, allowing eligible Hong Kong and Macao cross-boundary private cars to travel within Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. To better utilise the HZMB and facilitate the flow of people and vehicles between the three places, the governments of the three places will extend the Trial Phase to accept applications from Hong Kong and Macao cross-boundary private cars with a quota and necessary licences/permits of the three places.
Under the Trial Phase, eligible Hong Kong cross-boundary private cars must have been allocated under the regular quota for travelling between Hong Kong and Macao via the HZMB and under the quota of one of the land crossings for travelling between Hong Kong and Guangdong. In addition to their existing approved crossings, holders under the Hong Kong cross-boundary private cars quota will be approved to use the Hengqin Port to travel between Guangdong and Macao, and where applicable, use the Shenzhen Bay Port (Note) to travel between Shenzhen and Hong Kong, such that their vehicles can travel among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao within the GBA via the HZMB. Some 400 Hong Kong cross-boundary private cars will benefit from the Trial Phase. The validity period of the quota allocations under the Trial Phase for a private car will dovetail with that of its originally approved crossings (whichever is shorter).
For application details of Macao cross-boundary private cars, please refer to the website of the Macao Transport Bureau (
Note: Hong Kong cross-boundary private cars approved to use the HZMB Zhuhai Port under the "investment category" of the regular quota would need to meet the tax amount requirement set by the Guangdong Provincial Public Security Department for the Shenzhen Bay Port before they can be approved to use the Port.
Ends/Thursday, November 23, 2023
Issued at HKT 11:06
Issued at HKT 11:06