Compulsory testing scheme for taxi drivers

     In view of the recent upsurge of the COVID-19 epidemic, the Government, in accordance with the Prevention and Control of Disease (Compulsory Testing for Certain Persons) Regulation (Cap. 599J), published a compulsory testing notice earlier, requiring taxi drivers to undergo COVID-19 tests from December 9 to 22. 
     As at noon today (December 11), around 27 500 taxi drivers have made appointments through the registration hotline for the tests and more than 11 000 taxi drivers have completed the tests. The Government appeals to taxi drivers to make appointments and participate in the testing as early as possible to safeguard their health and minimise the risk of community transmission.
     The Transport Department (TD) was informed by the testing agency last night (December 10) that on December 9 and in the morning of December 10, staff members at the Dedicated Testing Centre at Kwun Tong Ferry Pier did not register the information of taxi drivers who have conducted the tests at the Government website ( and the testing agency was unable to match the specimen with the driver's identity. Hence, 531 taxi drivers could not receive the test results by SMS. The test results of all the drivers concerned are negative. The TD will call each of the affected taxi drivers today and accord priority to them for conducting the tests again at the Dedicated Testing Centres.
     The TD is very concerned about the incident and has instructed the testing agency to review the procedures and improve the workflow so as to avoid occurrence of similar incident.

Ends/Friday, December 11, 2020
Issued at HKT 20:37