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Transport Department

Transport Department welcomes New Lantao Bus Company (1973) Limited's opening up of real-time arrival data

     The Transport Department (TD) today (April 17) reached an agreement with New Lantao Bus Company (1973) Limited (NLB) in opening up real-time arrival data of its bus routes.

     NLB will release the real-time arrival data of all of its franchised bus routes in machine-readable formats via the Public Sector Information (PSI) Portal ( managed by the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer for free use by the public and the industry. The TD will pro-actively coordinate with relevant departments to assist NLB in their preparation work on opening up their real-time arrival data. The data are expected to be available at the PSI Portal in the third quarter of this year.

     Opening up data is an important government policy initiative to promote innovation and technology. NLB has been displaying real-time arrival information via the TD's mobile application "HKeMobility" to its users directly. Following New World First Bus Services Limited and Citybus Limited, NLB is the third public transport operator agreeing to open up real-time data via the PSI Portal for free use by the public in Hong Kong.

     NLB's continued support for the Government's open data policy is recognised. The TD will continue to have discussions with other public transport operators such as railways and bus companies and appeal for their support to open up their real-time data as soon as possible to keep up with the prevailing trend of open data with a view to promoting smart city development and fostering "Smart Mobility".

Ends/Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Issued at HKT 11:00
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