New function of Public Transport Fare Subsidy Scheme's subsidy enquiry website to allow viewing of detailed records of public transport expenses

     The Transport Department (TD) today (March 25) announced that a new function on the subsidy enquiry website of the Public Transport Fare Subsidy Scheme ( will be introduced on April 1 (Monday) so that commuters can create an account and register their Octopus at the subsidy enquiry website to view the detailed record of public transport expenses under the Subsidy Scheme.
     A spokesman for the TD added that commuters only need to provide their email address and password for completing the account creation procedures after verification by the system (see Annex). They should then log in to their account, enter their Octopus number, and visit any Octopus Service Point to tap the Octopus within seven days for completing the registration process. Each Octopus can only be registered to one account at any one time.
     Apart from using the new function of the subsidy enquiry website, commuters can check the detailed record of public transport expenses through a password-protected account created in the Octopus App or through the Subsidy Scheme hotline.
     For enquires about the details of the Subsidy Scheme, please see the website of the Subsidy Scheme ( or call 1823.

Ends/Monday, March 25, 2019
Issued at HKT 15:00