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Transport Department

Refund arrangements for e-payment service at Aberdeen Tunnel

     The Transport Department (TD) today (October 25) said that since the introduction of the "stop and go" e-payment service at the Aberdeen Tunnel in late September, the system had experienced some minor technical problems during the early stage of implementation. As a result, a small number of motorists using Octopus cards had been asked to tap their cards again, resulting in duplicated toll payments. Upon learning about the matter, the TD immediately tasked the system contractor to take follow-up action and the technical issue has already been fixed with the upgrading of the system software.

     Having verified the current records, 41 transactions were found to be affected between September 24 and October 19, amounting to a total of $205.

     The TD has arranged the refunds through Octopus Cards Limited. The card holders concerned may receive the refund through the channels below until January 31, 2018:

(i) Near Field Communication (NFC)-enabled Android mobile devices or iOS mobile devices paired up with Octopus Mobile Reader, with the Octopus application installed; or

(ii) Octopus Service Points in the designated MTR stations or shopping malls (please browse Octopus website or call the Octopus customer service hotline 2266 2222 for the locations).

     The affected personalised Octopus card holders will be notified individually of the refund arrangements. For the remaining non-personalised Octopus cards concerned, the card numbers have been uploaded to the TD website ( for public reference.

     For enquiries, please call 1823 or the Aberdeen Tunnel's hotline at 2518 7545 during office hours.

Ends/Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Issued at HKT 18:50
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