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Transport Department

Temporary traffic arrangement for tram track renewal works in Central District from next Monday

    The Transport Department (TD) today (February 3) reminded the public that the following temporary traffic arrangements will be implemented from 9am next Monday (February 6) to 8.59am on March 13 (Monday) to facilitate tram track renewal works in Central District:
* The offside lane of Queen's Road Central from a point about 90 metres east of its junction with Garden Road to a point about 50m west of the same junction will be temporarily closed to all vehicular traffic (except trams); and
* The bus-only lane at the above road section will be suspended.
     Appropriate traffic signs and road markings will be erected on site to guide motorists.
     The TD and the Police will closely monitor the traffic situation and implement appropriate measures whenever necessary. The public are advised to be alert to the latest traffic news on radio and television.
     Details of the temporary traffic arrangement are now available on the department's website (

Ends/Friday, February 3, 2017
Issued at HKT 16:40
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