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Transport Department

TD monitors first public ride day of South Island Line (East)

     The Transport Department (TD) has activated its Emergency Transport Coordination Centre (ETCC) to monitor the first day of operation of the MTR South Island Line (East), rail feeder public transport services and traffic conditions in Southern District upon the commissioning of the new rail line today (December 28). The TD has also maintained close liaison with the MTR Corporation Limited (MTRCL) and relevant public transport operators.

     Operation of the MTR South Island Line (East) and relevant public transport services has been generally smooth up to 2pm today.

     "The TD has deployed officers at strategic locations in the vicinity of the new railway stations to monitor the traffic and pedestrian flow. It has also maintained close liaison with relevant public transport operators to ensure smooth operation of their services," a TD spokesman said.

     To better serve residents of Southern District who are living further away from the new stations, the TD has provided a total of eight rail feeder public transport routes since the first day of South Island Line (East), comprising seven routes to Wong Chuk Hang Station and one route to Ocean Park Station. These rail feeder routes are Citybus route 48 (Sham Wan - Wah Fu (North) (via Wong Chuk Hang Station)), New World First Bus route 78 (Wah Kwai Estate - Wong Chuk Hang Station), green minibus (GMB) route 4M (Aberdeen (Shek Pai Wan) - Wong Chuk Hang Station), GMB route 5M (Grantham Hospital - Wong Chuk Hang Station), GMB route 29 (Ap Lei Chau Estate - Sham Wan (via Wong Chuk Hang Station)), GMB route 59A (Aberdeen (Tung Sing Road) - Sham Wan (via Wong Chuk Hang Station)), GMB route 69A (Cyberport - Wong Chuk Hang Station) and GMB route 40M (Stanley - Ocean Park Station).

     Adult Octopus users interchanging between the MTR South Island Line (East) and the five rail feeder GMB routes at Wong Chuk Hang Station or Ocean Park Station can enjoy fare discounts ranging from $0.30 to $1. These GMB routes are GMB route 59A (with a fare discount of $0.30); GMB routes 4M, 5M and 69A (with a fare discount of $0.50); and GMB route 40M (with a fare discount of $1). At the same time, the operator of GMB route 29 has also introduced a new section fare of $2 for passengers travelling between Sham Wan and Wong Chuk Hang Station.

     As it is anticipated that there would be changes in the travel patterns of passengers in Southern District upon the opening of the MTR South Island Line (East), the TD has formulated a public transport re-organisation plan (PT Plan). The TD will closely monitor the actual changes in passenger demand of the affected franchised bus and GMB routes and implement the rationalisation proposals under the PT Plan in phases, with a target of completion within six months upon the commissioning of the MTR South Island Line (East), according to the actual situations.

     The TD reminded the travelling public to allow more time to familiarise themselves with the new railway stations and new railway service arrangements. The department's ETCC will continue to monitor the transport and traffic conditions on the first normal working and school day after the New Year holidays (i.e. January 3, 2017).

Ends/Wednesday, December 28, 2016
Issued at HKT 14:31
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