Transport Department
New franchise for Citybus to commence on June 1
A Government spokesman said today (May 20) that Citybus Limited's new franchise for Hong Kong Island and the cross-harbour bus network (Franchise 1) will commence on June 1, 2016.
Under the new franchise, Citybus will offer 31 additional fare concession schemes. Passengers may enjoy fare concessions ranging from $1.20 to $8.80 per trip. Meanwhile, Citybus will start its trial of the Next Bus Arrival Time Enquiry Service on eight routes of Franchise 1, and will extend the trial to Citybus' remaining routes (including the routes under another franchise) and New World First Bus Services Limited (NWFB) routes in phases within two years upon commencement of the new franchise. Details of the fare concessions and trial are available on Citybus' website (
The spokesman added that the Transport Department together with Citybus, NWFB and Kowloon Motor Bus Company (1933) Limited are considering a proposal to lower the fare of cross-harbour routes after crossing the harbour, with a view to narrowing the fare differential with non-cross harbour routes. It is planned to launch a trial scheme on certain routes for a period of one year from the fourth quarter of 2016.
Ends/Friday, May 20, 2016
Issued at HKT 15:03