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Transport Department

Joy of shopping in heart of Causeway Bay extended

Members of the public, especially those shoppers and tourists, will walk freely with great strides to enjoy shopping at the most hustling and bustling streets in the heart of the Causeway Bay when the time period of the part-time pedestrian scheme is extended at Lockhart Road, East Point Road and Great George Street between Cannon Street and Paterson Street starting March 29.

Announcing details of the scheme at the press briefing today (March 26), Senior Engineer of the Transport Department, Mr Chan Kam-shun Harry said: " The part-time pedestrian scheme at the above streets is currently implemented daily from 4 pm to 12 midnight. With effect from Friday (March 29), the implementation time will be extended from 12 noon to 12 midnight on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays while it remains unchanged from 4 pm to 12 midnight on weekdays."

Mr Chan explained that the extended period came after a pedestrian survey conducted by Transport Department last September which revealed that the pedestrian flow of the above streets had recorded an average of over 10,000 pedestrian per hour between 12 noon and 4 pm on Saturdays. A longer pedestrian time, he believed, would help relieve the congested condition in the streets.

He said: "The trial scheme, which will last for three months, will become permanent if it is proved to be effective and supported by the Wan Chai District Council.

To further enhance the safety of the pedestrian environment and road traffic, some improvement works will be carried out at Yee Wo Street by end of this year. One more pedestrian crossing will be set up at the junction with Paterson Street in addition to the existing one near Jardine's Bazaar. Besides this, the eastbound tram stop will be relocated near to the new pedestrian crossing. One more eastbound traffic lane can be provided to alleviate the traffic congestion at peak hours.

With the completion of the improvement works, one more traffic lane will be provided for all vehicles so as to benefit the eastbound traffic flow at Yee Wo Street as a result.

Also present at the press briefing, Mr Chan Gin-wing David, Senior Engineer of Transport Department, said since the successful implementation of the Pedestrian Scheme in Causeway Bay, the air pollution in the district has been reduced by 11 per cent in average in the past 12 month period, thus providing pedestrians, tourists and business operators with a pleasant ambience and improved environment.

There are three types of pedestrian schemes. They include full-time pedestrian street whereby all vehicles are prohibited from entering the street at all times and on all days;Part-time pedestrian street where the vehicle ban applies only for certain hours of the day; and traffic calming street whereby vehicular access is allowed at all times, but traffic calming measures such as speed table, built-outs, narrowed carriageway are introduced to reduce traffic flow and speed, and to discourage non-essential traffic.

Highlighting that there is a general reduction of vehicular traffic at the traffic calming streets such as Russell Street, Yun Ping Road and Kai Chiu Road, Mr Chan attributed the reduction to traffic schemes to divert traffic flows and to redistribute the loading/unloading facilities. He also mentioned about the enhancement of pedestrian safety as a result of reduction in vehicle speed to 20kph after the completion of footpaths widening, raised pedestrian crossing and landscaping works.

"We are committed to providing a safe walking environment with landscaping for pedestrians and tourists," he said.

End/Tuesday, March 26, 2002

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