Transport Department
Arrangement for cross-boundary private cars with closed road permits for Lok Ma Chau/Man Kam To/Sha Tau Kok Crossings to use Shenzhen Bay Port to end
The Transport Department (TD) today (March 17) issued a reminder that the arrangement for holders of cross-boundary private car quotas with valid closed road permits (CRPs) for the Lok Ma Chau/Man Kam To/Sha Tau Kok crossings to use the Shenzhen Bay Port (SBP) crossing, in addition to their originally designated crossings, will cease on March 31, 2014.
A department spokesman said, "Due to the increasing cross-boundary vehicular traffic using SBP and the increasing traffic in the vicinity of SBP, the arrangement for cross-boundary private cars to use SBP in addition to their originally designated crossings will end on March 31 this year. All cross-boundary private cars can only use the designated land boundary control points of their CRPs to cross the boundary starting from April 1 this year."
"The Hong Kong and Guangdong governments reached an agreement earlier that holders of cross-boundary private car quotas with CRPs for the Lok Ma Chau/Man Kam To/Sha Tau Kok crossings can submit applications between February 10 and May 30, 2014 for switching permanently to SBP for crossing the boundary. The TD issued letters in February to inform individual cross-boundary private car quota holders of the detailed arrangement," the spokesman added.
For enquiries, please call the department's hotline at 2804 2600.
Ends/Monday, March 17, 2014
Issued at HKT 11:00