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Transport Department

Expiry of the scrapping incentive scheme

The Transport Department today (February 21) announced the administrative arrangement regarding the scrapping incentive scheme.

The scrapping incentive scheme, which allows owners of private cars aged ten years or older who scrap their cars and replace them with new ones to enjoy a reduction in the First Registration Tax, is due to expire on March 31, 2002.

As a reminder and to provide some time for eligible owners to make use of the scheme before its expiry, the application period for the scheme will be extended for six months, until September 30, 2002. After that date, the scheme will lapse.

Eligible car owners may apply to the Transport Department before the scheme expires in end-September. All applications should be made to the Transport Department's Hong Kong Licensing Office located at 3rd floor, United Centre, 95 Queensway, Hong Kong.

A leaflet detailing the procedures for application is available at the Transport Department licensing offices. The leaflet is also available at the Transport Department's website

End/Thursday, February 21, 2002

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