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Transport Department

TD's response to media enquiries on Private Driving Instructors' licences

      In response to media enquiries on the review on the issuing mechanism of Private Driving Instructors' (PDI) Licences, a spokesman for the Transport Department (TD) today (June 25) gave the following reply:

     "TD has completed the review on the issuing mechanism of PDI Licences, and recommends maintaining the existing three groups of PDIs, namely private car and light goods vehicle, bus and light bus, and medium goods vehicle, heavy goods vehicle and articulated vehicle.
     On the question of how the existing issuing mechanism of PDI licences should be revised, in light of the different views expressed by the driving instructor trades, TD has suggested nine initial options. These options range from maintaining the existing issuing mechanism (i.e. to allocate all new PDI licences for members of the public to apply), to removing the existing benchmarks of each group of PDI etc. Among them, there are seven options proposing to maintain the existing benchmarks of the three groups, but to change the way new PDI licences are to be issued, such as allocating all or some new PDI licences to PDIs of other groups, and to restricted driving instructors and former restricted driving instructors.

     TD is now consulting the trades, and will submit the nine initial options and views of the trade to the Legislative Council Panel on Transport for discussion at the meeting in July 2013. The Government keeps an open mind and is willing to continue to listen to views of the trades on the matter."

Ends/Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Issued at HKT 21:48


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