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Transport Department

Transport Department launches full version of Public Transport Enquiry Service


     The Transport Department (TD) today (July 6) launched the full version of the Public Transport Enquiry Service (PTES) with enhanced functions to make the service more user-friendly.

     Following the launch of the pilot version of the PTES in April last year, the TD has been refining the service based on feedback from users.  With the enhancements in the full version, a new user interface is introduced to allow the text and map to be displayed on the same page for easy location search.  Users can now print route options with a map.  They can also select the pre-defined search zone according to their preferences by using the new search zone function.

     Users can browse the website and enjoy the convenience of the full version of the PTES.

     For enquiry or comments, please call 1823 Call Centre or email the TD direct (

Ends/Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Issued at HKT 16:00


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