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Transport Department

Special traffic and transport arrangements for New Year's Eve


     The Transport Department (TD) today (December 28) reminded people of the special traffic and transport arrangements on Hong Kong Island on New Year's Eve (December 31).

     A department spokesman said that in addition to the 44th Hong Kong Brands and Products Expo at Victoria Park, celebration activities for the new year countdown would also be held at Times Square, Causeway Bay typhoon shelter, Lan Kwai Fong, Two International Finance Centre (2 IFC) and the area fronting Central Piers 7 and 8 on December 31. To facilitate crowd control by the Police, special traffic and transport arrangements will be implemented in Causeway Bay and Central from that afternoon in phases.   

     In the Times Square area, Russell Street between Percival Street and Canal Road East; and Matheson Street between Sharp Street East and Russell Street will be closed from 5pm. From 6pm onwards, Percival Street between Hennessy Road and Leighton Road; Lee Garden Road, Pak Sha Road, Kai Chiu Road, Yun Ping Road, Jardine's Bazaar and other roads in the vicinity of Times Square, such as Yiu Wah Street and Tang Lung Street, will also be closed.
     Depending on crowd situation at the Paterson Street shopping area, Sugar Street, Great George Street, Paterson Street and Kingston Street will be closed from 6pm for crowd management for the Expo. Further road closures of Percival Street between Hennessy Road and Gloucester Road; Lockhart Road and Jaffe Road east of Canal Road East and Cannon Street will be implemented at 8pm for countdown activities to be held at the World Trade Centre.
     To facilitate the Jardine Midnight Gun Ceremony at Causeway Bay typhoon shelter, the unnamed access road at Victoria Park Road leading to Causeway Bay Promenade will be closed from 9pm.

     In Lan Kwai Fong, the section of Wellington Street between Wyndham Street and D'Aguilar Street will be closed from 5pm. The whole section of D'Aguilar Street will also be closed when it is full of people. The section of Wyndham Street from Glenealy to Queen's Road Central will be subsequently closed for crowd dispersal.

     In the Central Pier areas, the loading and unloading area fronting Central Piers 7 and 8 will be closed from noon for holding of celebration activities. Road closures may also be implemented at Rumset Street flyover, Man Kwong Street, Man Po Street, Man Fai Street, Man Chiu Street, Man Cheung Street, Finance Street and part of Man Yiu Street during the new year countdown event at 2 IFC.

     The spokesman said that as various celebration activities would be held in Causeway Bay at the same time, traffic on Gloucester Road heading for Times Square, Hennessy Road, Yee Wo Street, Lockhart Road and Leighton Road would be very congested. Public transport services operating at the affected areas will be temporarily diverted. Tram services to and from Happy Valley will be suspended from 6pm when Percival Street is closed.

     People who plan to go to Causeway Bay are advised to use public transport services. Motorists are advised to follow the traffic signs and avoid driving into the affected areas. They are also advised to exercise tolerance and patience, observe Police instructions; and be alert to the latest radio traffic news.  

     Details of the special temporary traffic and transport arrangements have been uploaded on the department's website (  For enquiries, please call the 1823 Call Centre (Tel: 1823).

Ends/Monday, December 28, 2009
Issued at HKT 16:49


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