Transport Department
Taxi and LGV loading and unloading area arrangement at airport reasonable
The Transport Department, the Airport Authority, the Police and representatives from the taxi trade met today (July 19) to discuss the arrangement for the taxi and light goods vehicle (LGV) loading and unloading area which started operating at the airport on July 14.
Speaking after the meeting, the Commissioner for Transport, Mr Alan Wong, said most of the taxi trade representatives agreed that the Airport Authority should continue to implement the relevant arrangement - restricting the LGVs and taxis from parking at Carparks 1, 2 and 4, in a bid to tackle the unlawful transport activities.
It was agreed at the meeting that the temporary provision of a pre-booked taxi pick-up area outside Carpark 4 would be terminated at noon on Sunday (July 22). Pre-booked taxis can continue to use Carpark 3 and other existing taxi pick-up points at the airport.
"The arrangement for loading and unloading area, which has been implemented since July 14, is reasonable. The arrangement has gone through a long period of discussion, which has balanced the interests of different parties. It can also enable the Police to focus their efforts on monitoring and conducting key-point inspection at the airport," Mr Wong said.
The LGVs and taxis can park at Carpark 3 from that day on. According to the usage of Carpark 3, it can cater for the need of LGVs and taxis.
"I would like to stress that the arrangement has gone through more than a year of discussion and consultation. We and most of the trade representatives at the meeting believe the arrangement is reasonable and should be thoroughly implemented. People can continue to use taxis and other public transport services conveniently; the LGVs are provided with a designated loading and unloading area while the taxi trade can continue to use the taxi stands or other pick-up points. The arrangement can take care of the interests of both the passengers and the lawfully operated transport trade members," Mr Wong said.
General Manager (Terminal) of the Airport Authority, Mr Wong Yiu-fai, said the authority would provide more signs and deploy more staff to offer assistance to passengers and drivers. The Police and the authority would continue to take strict enforcement action to tackle unlawful activities to ensure the smooth operation of traffic at the airport.
As some taxis and LGVs carry out touting and unlawful transport activities, such as carriage of passengers for hire or reward, in the airport area (such as carparks near the airport terminals), the Police have been taking enforcement action to tackle these unlawful activities, which have led to disputes among different transport trades and caused arguments between drivers and passengers.
To tackle these unlawful transport activities, the Government and the authority have set up a new LGV loading and unloading area to regulate the LGV loading and unloading activities, and to prohibit the taxis and LGVs from using Carparks 1, 2 and 4. The relevant measure has been implemented since July 14.
Since April, 2006, the Government and the authority have, on many occasions, communicated with the taxi and LGV trades and their views have been appropriately taken. The Government and the Airport Authority have disseminated the details of the new arrangement to tourists through publicity and the provision of clear signs. They would continue the effort on publicity and improve the signs.
Ends/Thursday, July 19, 2007
Issued at HKT 16:39