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Transport Department

Special traffic and transport arrangements for Lunar New Year's Market Fair in Victoria Park

The Transport Department today (February 15) reminded people that a series of temporary traffic and transport arrangements would be implemented around the Lunar New Year's Market Fair in Victoria Park on Lunar New Year's Eve (February 17) which included:

1. Partial road closure around the Lunar New Year Fair at Victoria Park and traffic diversion.

2. Public transport services: most public transport services including MTR, KCRC East Rail, West Rail, Ma On Shan Rail, Light Rail and Tramway will provide overnight services or extend services. In order to meet passenger needs, bus companies will operate 28 special bus routes services, extend the services of six bus routes, strengthen the services of 45 bus routes and divert 22 bus routes in connection with the temporary traffic measures.

3. Suspension of parking spaces.

4. Prohibition of vehicles access to all carparks and hotels within the closed roads and vehicles parked in these carparks and hotels will not be permitted to leave until the closed roads are re-opened.

     People who plan to go to the affected areas are advised to use public transport. In cases of traffic obstruction, motorists are urged to exercise tolerance and patience, and take heed of instructions of the Police in the affected areas. The public should listen to the radio broadcasts for the latest traffic news.
     Details of the temporary traffic and transport arrangements are available at the "Traffic Notices" of the department's Homepage

Ends/Thursday, February 15, 2007
Issued at HKT 17:31

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