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Transport Department

Special traffic and transport arrangements for public procession

Members of the public are advised to pay attention to the special traffic and transport arrangements in connection with the public procession to be held on Sunday (May 30).

The following roads will be closed to all vehicular traffic from about 3pm:

* Gloucester Road southbound between Victoria Park flyover and Causeway Road;
* Gloucester Road northbound south of Sugar Street;
* Sugar Street;
* Yee Wo Street westbound between Pennington Street and Hennessy Road;
* Jardine's Bazaar; and
* Hennessy Road westbound between Yee Wo Street and Canal Road West

Bus routes travelling via the above area will be diverted until the roads are re-opened.

For detailed information, please visit the Transport Department's website.

Ends/Friday, May 28, 200

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