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Approved Payment Means

Approved Payment Means

With effect from 12 December 2020, the following payment means may be used as the "approved payments means" for payment of parking fee in conjunction with a parking meter labelled with appropriate logo(s):-

Payment Means


Applicable Parking Meter


A card or device issued by, or an electronic system operated by the Alipay Financial Services (HK) Limited as a stored value facility

A parking meter labelled with a AlipayHK logo

Faster Payment System

An electronic system operated by the Hong Kong Interbank Clearing Limited

A parking meter labelled with a Faster Payment System logo

MasterCard Contactless

A card or device, or an electronic system enabled with MasterCard Contactless as a contactless payment function the specifications of which are formulated and certified by MasterCard International Incorporated, including the associated mobile wallet

A parking meter labelled with a MasterCard Contactless logo


A card or device issued by, or an electronic system operated by the Octopus Cards Limited as a stored value facility

A parking meter labelled with an Octopus logo

UnionPay QuickPass

A card or device, or an electronic system enabled with UnionPay Quick Pass as a contactless payment function the specifications of which are formulated and certified by UnionPay International, including the associated mobile wallet

A parking meter labelled with a UnionPay QuickPass logo

Visa payWave

A card or device, or an electronic system enabled with Visa payWave as a contactless payment function the specifications of which are formulated and certified by Visa Inc. and its subsidiaries, including the associated mobile wallet

A parking meter labelled with a Visa payWave logo

WeChat Pay

A card or device issued by, or an electronic system operated by the WeChat Pay Hong Kong Limited as a stored value facility

A parking meter labelled with a WeChat Pay logo


(1) The above "mobile wallet" means Apple Pay, Samsung Pay and Google Pay.
(2) The above "stored value facility" has the meaning given by the Payment Systems and Stored Value Facilities Ordinance (Cap. 584).
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