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Traffic Notices

 Traffic Advice 

Fare Revision of  New Territories Green Minibus Route Nos. 94, 94A and 94S

          Members of the public are advised that the fares of New Territories Green Minibus route nos. 94, 94A and 94S will be revised with effect from 29 January 2012 (Sunday) as follows : 

Route No.

Existing Fares

New Fares
(with effect from 29 January 2012)

94 (Shek Wai Kok - Kwai Shing)










94A (Lei Muk Shue Estate Public Transport Interchange - Kwai Shing)





94S (Shing Mun Reservoir - Tsuen Wan Transport Complex)



[   ] section fare


          Notices will be displayed at terminal points and inside vehicles to advise passengers of the above changes.

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