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Traffic Notices

Traffic Advice


Fare Adjustment for Kowloon Green Minibus Route Nos. 2 and 2A


                Members of the public are advised that the following green minibus (GMB) route nos. 2 and 2A in Kowloon will adjust their fares with effect from 27 March 2011 (Sunday). Details are as follows:


Route nos. 2 and 2A

Existing Fares* ($)

New Fares* ($)


Hung Hom (Whampoa Gardens) -

Tat Chee Avenue (Public Transport Interchange)











[ ] section fare



*The existing concessionary fare offered to senior citizens at 65 years old or above and students remains unchanged.


                 Notices will be put up at terminal points and inside vehicle compartments to advise passengers of the above changes.

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