Further Reference Materials
This section provides information on useful websites with further materials for reference. The contents of these websites do not form part of the Road Users' Code.
1. Relevant Transport Department's Website
Road Users' Code
The Road Users' Code is available at the Transport Department's homepage:
Transport Department's homepage > "Transport in Hong Kong' > "Road Safety' > "Road Users' Code'
Relevant Codes of Practice
The following codes of practice are available at the Transport Department's homepage:
Transport Department's homepage > "Publications and Press Releases' > "Publications' > "Code of Practice'
Examples are:
• Code of Practice for the Loading of Vehicles
• Code of Practice for Private Roads
Strategic Routes and Expressways
More information on strategic routes and their update: Transport Department's homepage > "Transport in Hong Kong' > "HK Strategic Route, Exit Number and Chainage Marker System'
Latest list of expressways: Transport Department's homepage > "Traffic Notices' > "Notices on Expressways' > "Determination and Delineation of Boundaries of Expressways'
Information on Driving and Vehicle Licences
Transport Department's homepage > "Public Services' > "Licences & Permits'. Examples are:
• Licences & Permits
- Driving Licences
- Vehicle Licences
- Driving Tests
Information on Vehicle Examination
Transport Department's homepage > "Public Services' > "Vehicle Type Approval and Examination' > "Vehicle Examination'. Examples are:
• Vehicle Examinations
- Alterations and Modifications to Vehicle - DO's and DON'Ts
- Guidelines for Adding Non-factory Built Storage Box on Motorcycles
- Tyres and Your Safety
Advisory Leaflets and Guidelines
There are many road safety related guidelines, newsletters, leaflets, pamphlets, etc. available at the Transport Department's homepage: Transport Department's homepage > "Transport in Hong Kong' > "Road Safety'. Examples are:
• Safe Cycling Guides
- Cycling Information Centre
- Safe Cycling: Rules and Tips
• Safe Motoring Guides
- Roundabouts
- Seat belts
- Drink Driving
- Drug Driving
• Road Safety Bulletins
• Newsletters, leaflets and pamphlets
Driving-offence points system
Transport Department's homepage > "Transport in Hong Kong'> "Road Safety' > ʻSafe Motoring Guidesʼ > ʻDriving-offence points systemʼ
Guidelines for Right-driving Road
In general, the Road Users' Code contains the rules, advice and information for all road users covering most road and traffic conditions, including the Hong Kong - Zhuhai - Macao Bridge - Hong Kong Link Road. However, users of the Hong Kong Link Road also need to fully understand and comply with the relevant legislation, rules and advice for right-driving road. More information on the use of right-driving road is available at the Transport Department's homepage:
Transport Department's homepage > "Transport in Hong Kong' > "Land-based Cross Boundary Transport' > "Access to Hong Kong - Zhuhai - Macao Bridge (HZMB) Hong Kong Port'
Hong Kong eMobility
Transport Department's mobile application for journey planning is available at the Transport Department's homepage: Transport Department's homepage > "Public Services' > "All-in-one Mobile Application "HKeMobility"'
2. Legislation
The legislation of Hong Kong are available at the Hong Kong e-Legislation website:
3. Relevant Websites of the Government Departments and the Road Safety Council
Transport Department | https://www.td.gov.hk |
Hong Kong Police Force | https://www.police.gov.hk |
Highways Department | https://www.hyd.gov.hk |
Environmental Protection Department | https://www.epd.gov.hk |
Road Safety Council | http://www.roadsafety.gov.hk |
4. Further Advice from Highways Department
The Code of Practice for the Lighting, Signing and Guarding of Road Works (published by the Highways Department)
You can access the Code at the Highways Department's homepage: Highways Department's homepage> "Publications & Publicity' > "Publications' > "Technical Documents' >
'Code of Practice for the Lighting, Signing and Guarding of Road Works'
Flashing Arrow Sign
The Code of Practice for the Lighting, Signing and Guarding of Road Works advises those responsible for road works to use "Flashing Arrow Sign' to warn drivers of the presence of stationary or slowly moving works vehicle and lane closure on roads with speed limit of 70 km/h or above. Drivers should be alert and take special care once seeing the sign at distance - suitably reduce speed and follow the arrow direction to change lanes and pass the works vehicle carefully.
Pass the vehicle on its left
Pass the vehicle on its right
Pass the vehicle on its right or left
Hazard (amber lights at diagonal corners are flashing alternately) - the works vehicle intends to change or is changing lane.